Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography - StatPearls
Jun. 17, 2024
Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography - StatPearls
Continuing Education Activity
Indocyanine green angiography is a crucial invasive imaging technique used for diagnosing various retinochoroidal disorders. This method allows exploration of choroidal and retinal circulation's anatomy, physiology, and pathology, making it integral to identifying ocular diseases. In this activity, we describe the choroidal circulation's anatomy and elucidate the methodologies and understandings surrounding indocyanine green angiography. Additionally, we emphasize the interprofessional team's importance in overseeing patient care and addressing any complications arising from the procedure.
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Illustrate the anatomical and physiological facets of choroidal circulation.
Examine the roles of personnel, equipment, preparatory steps, and techniques related to indocyanine green angiography.
Summarize the features of various retinal and choroidal diseases observable in indocyanine green angiograms.
Discuss the interprofessional team's significance in managing patients and complications during indocyanine green angiography.
Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) serves as a method to visualize the choroidal circulation and its anomalies. Although fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) provides excellent detail for retinal circulation, it often struggles to adequately capture choroidal circulation, primarily due to limitations imposed by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), media opacities, and retinal exudates. The unique physical properties of indocyanine green (ICG) allow for better visualization through these obstacles, accommodating for effects like lipid exudates and serosanguineous fluid. With an absorption peak ranging from 790 to 805 nm and an emission spectrum peaking at 835 nm, ICG proves advantageous.
Because ICG's absorption and emission spectra operate at a higher wavelength than fluorescein, infrared rays associated with ICG penetrate the RPE and macular pigments more effectively. Furthermore, since approximately 98% of ICG in serum is protein-bound, its diffusion is limited through the fenestrations of the choriocapillaris, in contrast to fluorescein, which diffuses more readily, leading to anatomical blurring of the choroid.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized ICG for human use. R.W. Flower first conducted ICG angiography on humans. Early images provided limited clarity due to inferior fluorescence efficiency when compared with FA. However, advancements in technology (specifically with scanning laser ophthalmoscopes or SL-based systems) allowed the development of high-resolution cameras ensuring sharp ICGA images. In the context of therapies targeting vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), monitoring choroidal neovascular membranes (CNVM) has become simplified.
Despite this, ICGA remains a vital imaging method within clinical practice for assessing conditions such as idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (IPCV), retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP), central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), ocular inflammatory diseases (like sympathetic ophthalmia and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome), and ocular tumors.
Anatomy and Physiology
The choroid receives its blood supply primarily from the ophthalmic artery, which is the first branch of the internal carotid artery. The medial and lateral posterior ciliary arteries (PCAs) stem from the ophthalmic artery. The short PCAs penetrate the sclera near the optic nerve and provide choroidal supply, while the long PCAs also pierce the sclera, running in the suprachoroidal space and extending anteriorly. The short PCAs primarily supply the posterior segment of the choroid, whereas the long PCAs serve the anterior section and a small posterior area beyond the equator. As the PCAs function as end arteries, they do not forma anastomosis, which leads to distinct choroidal watershed zones.
Bruch's membrane constitutes the innermost layer of the choroid and comprises five sublayers: the retinal pigment epithelium basement membrane, the inner collagenous layer, the middle elastic layer, the outer collagenous layer, and the basement membrane of the choriocapillaris. Outside of Bruch's membrane lie three vascular layers: the choriocapillaris (with a highly interconnected capillary network), the Sattler layer (medium-sized arterioles), and the Haller layer (larger arterioles). Each choriocapillaris lobule functions independently, and during the angiogram's filling and draining phases, these lobules become more distinguishable.
A terminal choroidal arteriole supplies each lobule, lacking any anastomosis with neighboring lobules, while blood drainage from choroidal circulation occurs via the vortex veins, with no venous anastomosis between those draining to each vein. Notably, the choroidal blood supply ranks among the highest of any tissue in the human body, with a flow rate tenfold greater than that of the brain, which helps sustain elevated oxygen tension within the choroid compared to the retina. Importantly, during dark conditions, the choroidal circulation principally contributes to retinal oxygen supply, delivering as much as 90% of the blood during heightened metabolic activity by photoreceptors. The fenestrated walls of the choriocapillaris permit substantial glucose and small-molecule permeability. However, larger proteins cannot pass through these fenestrations, which is crucial as 98% of ICG is protein-bound, limiting permeation through the choriocapillaris' wall.
ICGA indications include:
Wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) [21]
Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (IPCV or PCV) [22]
Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) [23]
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) [10]
Retinal arterial macroaneurysm (RAM) [24]
Choroidal melanoma
Choroidal hemangioma
Choroidal tumors
Birdshot chorioretinopathy (BSCR)
Multifocal choroiditis
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS)
Serpiginous choroidopathy
Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE)
Punctate inner chorioretinopathy (PIC)
Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR)
White Dot Syndromes [25]
Chorioretinal atrophy
Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO) [26]
Vogt Koyanagi Harada syndrome (VKH) [27]
Ocular inflammatory diseases
ICG has applications in assessing liver functionality, hepatic blood flow, and cardiac output. Furthermore, ICGA has been utilized intraoperatively for managing intracranial aneurysms.
Generally, ICG is regarded as a safe and well-tolerated dye, with few contraindications in its ophthalmologic application. ICGA should be avoided in patients with known allergies to iodide or shellfish, patients with uremia, and those with a history of severe hypersensitivity. Due to ICG's exclusive hepatic elimination, its application is ill-advised in individuals suffering from liver diseases. Additionally, according to FDA classifications, ICG is categorized as a pregnancy category C drug, indicating insufficient studies on human safety. The aqueous solution of ICG should be utilized within six hours after preparation, and at least one week should elapse post-ICGA before conducting radioactive iodine uptake evaluations.
For photographing purposes, a fundus camera equipped with excitation and barrier filters is essential. There exist two main categories of fundus cameras employed in ICGA, namely digital flash cameras and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopes (SLOs). The digital flash cameras (such as FF 450 plus by Zeiss and TRC-50DX by Topcon) use white light as their illumination source, with excitation and barrier filters tailored to specific wavelengths. Conversely, SLOs (including Spectralis by Heidelberg, Mirante by Nidek, and California by Optos) rely on laser monochromatic light for illumination. Spectralis, for instance, utilizes a diode laser operating at 790 nm for excitation alongside a barrier filter set at 830 nm. These SLOs facilitate dynamic ICGA imaging by capturing 12 to 15 images per second.
The standard intravenous dose of ICG for adults is 25 mg dissolved in 5 ml solvent. A 23 gauge scalp vein needle set, a 5 ml syringe, alcohol swabs, tourniquet, and an armrest are also necessary components. An emergency kit equipped to manage potential anaphylaxis should be prepared prior to the procedure's commencement.
ICGA procedures typically involve a collaborative team, which includes an ophthalmologist, technician, optometrist, nursing staff, and an anesthetist to ensure comprehensive patient management.
Obtaining informed consent from the patient is crucial before initiating the procedure. Patients should be thoroughly briefed regarding the associated risks and benefits. A complete history of allergies and any other systemic comorbidities must be taken, and fasting for two to four hours prior to the procedure is recommended. The adult dose of ICG remains 25 mg in 5 ml of solvent. When using SLO systems, 25 mg of ICG can be dissolved in 3 ml of solvent and 1 ml injected, followed by a 5 ml saline flush.
Ensuring adequate pupil dilation and the availability of an emergency kit is imperative. Initial color fundus images should be captured for clarity verification, and the patient should be made comfortable during the imaging process. The scalp vein set must be inserted into a forearm vein, confirming blood return or saline flush evidence.
Technique or Treatment
Positioning the patient's chin on the chin rest, the assistant stabilizes their head to prevent movement during image capture. Upon dye injection, control photographs are instantaneously taken, simultaneously activating a timer. Imaging occurs at intervals of 1.5 to 2 seconds. Following the filling of the choroidal arterial and venous systems, subsequent images are taken at a slower rate, including capturing images of the fellow eye.
Normal ICGA Phases
Stage 1: Initiated 2 seconds after dye injection, marked by rapid progression of the choroidal arteries and choriocapillaris, along with early choroidal vein filling. The watershed zone and retinal vasculature typically remain dark during this stage.
Stage 2: Occurring 3 to 5 seconds post-injection, larger choroidal veins and retinal arterioles begin to fill with dye.
Stage 3: Spanning from 6 seconds to 3 minutes, the choroidal watershed zone gets infused with dye while larger choroidal veins and arteries start to fade.
Early phase - The early phase contains three distinct stages:
The middle phase, extending from 3 to 15 minutes, displays fading of both retinal and choroidal vessels.
The late phase, covering 15 to 60 minutes, exhibits staining of surrounding extrachoroidal tissues, which may create the perception of choroidal vasculature being hypofluorescent as compared to surrounding tissues, with retinal vessels becoming unvisualized during this phase.
Compared to FA, adverse reactions connected to ICGA are fewer. Instances of dye extravasation can generate stinging sensations. Minor side effects such as nausea and vomiting appear in about 0.15% of patients, while moderate reactions like urticaria and vasovagal episodes are observable in 0.2% of patients. These urticaria cases can typically be treated with antihistamines. Severe adverse events occur at a rate of 0.05%, with rare anaphylaxis observed among those with iodine allergies. Notably, patients suffering from uremia represent a higher incidence of these negative side effects than the general population.
Clinical Significance
Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration (exudative AMD or wet AMD)
ICGA is effective in mapping out the extent of occult CNVM, which constitutes 60-85% of the total CNV cases associated with wet AMD. Within ICGA interpretations, three variants of CNVM have been defined: hot spot or focal spot, plaques (which can be poorly or well defined), and combinations of both types. The combined variant might contain a single hot spot or multiple hot spots along the plaque's margin, directly on the plaque, or remote from the plaque. In cases of occult CNVM, about 60% of eyes will show ICGA-plaque visualization, while approximately 30% will highlight hot spots. It is noted that plaques may generally have a poorer visual prognosis compared to hot spots, with an easier treatment response for hot spots through photodynamic therapy.
ICGA assists in assessing CNVM presence within retinal pigment epithelial detachments (PEDs). If a PED lacks CNVM (non-vascularized type), hypocyanescence remains consistent through all ICGA phases. However, vascularized PEDs associated with fluent occult CNVM on FFA present a range of observations: around 62% of cases reveal plaques (over the size of one disc area), while 38% show focal CNVM (maximal size of one disc area), and 4% prove undetectable by ICGA. Vascularized PEDs may also display notches along the margins, shedding light on potential CNVM areas.
One of ICGA's significant advantages is its ability to visualize CNVM and other causes of subretinal or submacular bleeding. A study engaging 51 eyes revealed that primary sources of submacular hemorrhage included wet AMD (53% prevalence), PCV (approximately 37%), retinal arterial macroaneurysm (roughly 6%), and lacquer cracks. It's important to emphasize that ICGA is typically not employed for studying classic CNVM through FFA, as it does not provide substantial additional information to guide treatment.
Specific delineation of lesions is essential for treatment modalities including photodynamic therapy and laser photocoagulation. Treatments aimed at anti-VEGF result in regression predominantly restricted to immature vessels while sparing mature vessels. ICGA provides differentiation between these vessel types, proving valuable for cases involving unresponsive CNVM following multiple anti-VEGF interventions.
Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) or Type 3 CNVM
RAP is implicated in about 20% of wet AMD instances. ICGA proves beneficial when differentiating occult CNVM and retinal angiomatous proliferation. The structure of RAP showcases interconnections between the feeding retinal arteriole and draining retinal venule detectable via ICGA. Typical characteristics of RAP include intraretinal hemorrhage, early-phase retino-retinal anastomosis, elevated vessel flow rates, retino-choroidal anastomosis, and dual retinal and choroidal circulation.
RAP also has links to cystoid macular edema and PED. Timely intervention is crucial for favorable functional prognosis, as untreated cases display worse outcomes. The combination of anti-VEGF therapy and photodynamic treatment yields superior results for RAP compared to anti-VEGF alone.
Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV)
ICGA stands as the preferred method for recognizing PCV lesions, acknowledged as the standard for diagnosing PCV. ICGA should be considered to exclude PCV in cases exhibiting:
Massive spontaneous subretinal or submacular bleeding
Orange-red subretinal nodules
Notched or hemorrhagic PEDs
Poor responses to anti-VEGF interventions.
PCV relates to an aberrant development of vascular networks within the innermost layers of the choroid, often presenting as red-orange polyp-like structures. While the dye fills the PCV network preceding retinal vessels, it does so gradually. The resultant polyps eventually become hypercyanescent. According to the EVEREST study, early focal subretinal hypercyanescence emerges within 6 minutes of ICG administration alongside at least one of the accompanying criteria:
Connected branching vascular network.
Pulsatile polyp.
Nodular structure noted during stereoscopic observation.
Hypocyanescent ring surrounding the polyp.
Orange subretinal bump seen on color fundus photography that correlates with the polyp on ICGA.
Major submacular hemorrhage (at least 4 disc areas in size).
Recognizing distinctions between PCV and CNVM is vital because PCV generally responds better to photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal anti-VEGF intervention, in contrast to anti-VEGF treatment alone. Moreover, a form of peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR) involving peripheral PCV is noted on ICGA among affected eyes.
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR)
(ICGA of CSCR showcases several hyperpermeable areas in mid to late phases. These zones may delineate regions of leakage evident in FFA, along with unaffected retinal areas or fellow eyes. The initial phase reveals delayed choroidal filling, and the late ICGA phase might exhibit persistent hypercyanescence or washout. Chronic CSCR reveals multiple hyperpermeable regions within the inner choroid.
Identifying these leak sites becomes fundamental when treating chronic CSCR using photodynamic therapy. ICGA also aids in distinguishing CSCR from PCV while revealing underlying CNVM within CSCR. Other notable features of CSCR on ICGA include presumed occult serous PEDs, delayed arterial choroidal filling, punctate hypercyanescent spots, venous congestion, and impedance in choriocapillaris filling.
As a key tool in studying the newly defined pachychoroid disease spectrum, ICGA embraces CSCR, PCV, pachychoroid pigment epitheliopathy (PPE), pachychoroid neovascularization (PNV), and others.
Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm (RAM)
When presenting with pre-retinal, intraretinal, or subretinal hemorrhage, retinal arterial macroaneurysm can pose challenges. Significant pre-retinal hemorrhage may prevent FA from identifying macroaneurysms, whereas ICGA penetrates through the hemorrhage more effectively to visualize these anomalies.
Choroidal Tumors
Choroidal melanoma: ICGA surpasses FA in discerning tumor vasculature and delineating its borders. Tumor microcirculation observed in ICGA looks for patterns including parallel vessels with cross-linking, loops, arcs with branching, and networks, which correlate with accelerated tumor growth rates.
Choroidal hemangioma: In circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas, the intrinsic vascular architecture becomes perceptible within 30 seconds post-injection of ICG, registering significant hypercyanescence by 1 minute. The angiogram's late phases depict a rapid dye washout from hemangioma lesions compared to surrounding choroid, rendering these lesions hypocyanescent.
White Dot Syndromes
Birdshot chorioretinopathy: In this condition, ICGA reveals hypocyanescent spots reflective of cream-colored fundus lesions, effectively visualized unlike in FA.
Multifocal choroiditis: The white lesions in multifocal choroiditis are shown as hypocyanescent dots on ICGA, facilitating the monitoring of response to systemic steroid treatments by observing any decrease in the size or quantity of these areas.
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS): Characteristically presenting with unilateral visual decline, MEWDS is common among younger females, exhibiting a self-limiting nature. ICGA highlights multiple hypocyanescent spots that are more discernible than in FA.
Serpiginous choroidopathy: Through ICGA, the condition exhibits notable choroidal changes even if no evidence emerges in clinical observations or FA, identifying larger active lesions detected within the scans. Identifying choroidal activity can also occur post-ceasing of retinal activity.
Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE): Presence of hypocyanescent lesions across both early and late ICGA phases suggests the choroidal hypoperfusion linked to occlusive vasculitis.
Punctate inner chorioretinopathy (PIC): It shows hypocyanescent specks throughout all ICGA phases, often exceeding numbers shown in fundus photographs or FA results.
Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR): Typical features manifest in fundus autofluorescence; ICGA may exhibit normal or hypocyanescent results. Late-stage AZOOR can show a trizonal pattern, particularly differentiating areas outside the injury that maintain normal cyanescence, while the margins display slight extrachoroidal leakage with the core area resolving into hypocyanescence.
Chorioretinal Atrophy
In Stargardt disease, the full loss of choriocapillaris together with 'dark atrophy' is noted on ICGA, distinguishing it from geographic atrophy resulting from age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), where remnants of choriocapillaris persist. The hypocyanescence remains visible during ICGA's late phases in Stargardt disease. By contrast, dry AMD with geographic atrophy leads to isocyanescence for atrophy sites during ICGA's late phase.
Ocular inflammatory Diseases
Sympathetic Ophthalmia: In this scenario, ICGA showcases hypocyanescent patches, some of which transition to isocyanescent in later phases.
Vogt Koyanagi Harada (VKH) syndrome: During acute phases, signs include early hypercyanescence, leakage from choroidal vessels, hypocyanescent spots, and hypercyanescence of visual disc, with resolving hypocyanescent patches indicating treatment efficacy. Persistence in ICGA lesions beyond therapy might imply ongoing subclinical inflammation, prompting increased immunosuppression when needed. ICGA serves as a diagnostic tool for subclinical VKH reactivation, guiding management decisions.
Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes
The collaborative efforts of the ophthalmologist and attending nurse are fundamental in securing consent, informing the patient before commencing procedures, and monitoring for adverse reactions throughout the process. In cases of severe allergies or anaphylactic responses, anesthetists or critical care specialists are vital to providing necessary care. Utilizing an interprofessional team approach minimizes risks and enhances the successful execution of ICGA.
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Disclosure: Sabareesh Muraleedharan declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.
Disclosure: Koushik Tripathy declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.
Indocyanine Green AngiographyIndocyanine Green Angiography - EyeWiki
Indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) provides improved imaging of choroidal vasculature compared to fluorescein angiography. Because of the excitation and emission properties of indocyanine green (excitation at 790 nm and emission at 835 nm), pathologies involving retinal and choroidal vascular systems can be imaged even in the presence of overlying melanin, serosanguinous fluid, xanthophyll pigment, or lipid exudations.
Indocyanine green (ICG) was developed in Kodack laboratories, and its physical and physiological properties were first described by Fox and Wood in .[1] Kogure and others first used ICG to visualize the fundus of an owl monkey in the s.[2] However, it was not routinely used in humans until s because of technological limitations of the fundus cameras. There was an uptick in ICGA administration in the s due to improvements in digital video angiography, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, and optical systems of fundus cameras.[3][4] In addition, the advent of ICGA allowed for better detection of occult choroidal neovascularization (CNV), which in turn led to an increase in the number of eyes that were eligible for photocoagulation which, at the time, was the only treatment option for CNV.[5] Since the s, in the era of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy which does not require accurate localization of the CNVs, ICGA has been mostly limited to the indications summarized below.[6] However, ICGA, combined with FA, OCT, and OCTA, is still extremely useful in clinical practice.
Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP): 75-year-old patient with a decrease in visual acuity and metamorphopsia in right eye. This RAP lesion is focally hyperfluorescent in this late-phase FA (left) and hypocyanescent in midphase ICGA (right). Note the feeding and draining retinal arteriole and venule ending at the lesion. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Gabriela Lopezcarasa Hernandez, MD. Photographer Azucena Rios. Retinal Angiomatous proliferation. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.75-year-old patient with a decrease in visual acuity and metamorphopsia in right eye. This RAP lesion is focally hyperfluorescent in this late-phase FA (left) and hypocyanescent in midphase ICGA (right). Note the feeding and draining retinal arteriole and venule ending at the lesion. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Gabriela Lopezcarasa Hernandez, MD. Photographer Azucena Rios. Retinal Angiomatous proliferation. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
Two properties make ICG an effective dye for visualizing choroidal vasculature. First, indocyanine green’s affinity to circulating proteins is high (95%), limiting its leakage from vessel walls. Comparatively, more heavily leaking fluorescein (only 80% bound) from the retinal and choriodal vessels can obscure the details of adjacent retinal and choroidal vasculature. Another drawback of fluorescein dye in visualizing the choroid is that fluorescein molecule absorbs and emits shorter wavelength photons. Since the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) also absorbs and emits photons around this wavelength, the resulting scatter from RPE can obscure the choroidal vessels. Indocyanine, however, absorbs and emits photons in the infrared spectrum, allowing the viewer to see the choroid through the retinal pigment epithelium or disease processes such as overlying hemorrhage.[7]
See Dyes in Ophthalmology for more information.
For a thorough review of the uses of indocyanine green, see Cohen et al.’s Is indocyanine green still relevant? editorial in Retina.[8]
In the era of anti-VEGF treatments, the localization of CNV is not absolutely necessary for managing exudative ARMD as it was in the past. However, ICGA is utilized by many clinicians in combination with other retinal imaging modalities to identify the subtype of CNV in AMD (type 1: sub-retinal pigment epithelium, type 2: subretinal, and type 3: intraretinal) and to differentiate ARMD lesions from simulating lesions.[8]
Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV): The PCV lesion shows hyperfluorescence and hypercyanescence on intermediate-phase FA (left) and ICGA (right). This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Gareth Lema MD, PhD. Photographer Sandra Boglione.Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy - IVFA/ICGA. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.The PCV lesion shows hyperfluorescence and hypercyanescence on intermediate-phase FA (left) and ICGA (right). This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Gareth Lema MD, PhD. Photographer Sandra Boglione.Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy - IVFA/ICGA. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
Type 1 macular neovascularization (MNV), with CNV network located under the RPE, is the most common form of exudative AMD. Type 1 CNV corresponds to ‘occult CNV’ based on the Macular Photocoagulation Study and is identified as fibrovascular pigment epithelium detachment with a late stippled fluorescence or a late leakage from an undetermined source (LLUS). Often, clinical examination, OCT, and FA are sufficient for the diagnosis and follow-up; however, ICGA may be required when the lesion is covered with hemorrhage or if there is a question about the presence of accompanying type 3 MNV (retinal angiomatous proliferation ‘RAP’) that is reported in about one fourth of the eyes with type 1 CNV. The presence of a RAP lesion has at least two clinical significances. First, RAP is shown to have a more aggressive clinical course that needs frequent and long-term injection of anti-VEGF agents. Second, it has been shown that RAP lesions respond better to treatment with anti-VEGF agents combined with photodynamic therapy (PDT). ICGA may delineate the presence of type 1 CNV usually around the perimeter of pigment epithelial detachment or show the feeder and draining vessels. RAP lesions are similarly seen as an interconnected retinal arteriole and venule branch.
Choroidal Hemangioma: (A) shows fundus photo (left), FA(middle), and ICGA (right). FA revealed leakage from an ill-defined lesion superotemporal to the disc, while the ICGA showed diffuse and intense hypercyanescence of choroidal vessels, consistent with a choroidal hemangioma. (B) shows OCT of the same eye with foveal detachment and choroidal elevation (star). (C) B-scan ultrasonography and A-scan ultrasonography. A Masquerade Case: Choroidal Hemangioma Misdiagnosed As Central Serous Retinopathy © by Lai L, Javier T, Lee S, Gallemore RP. is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.(A) shows fundus photo (left), FA(middle), and ICGA (right). FA revealed leakage from an ill-defined lesion superotemporal to the disc, while the ICGA showed diffuse and intense hypercyanescence of choroidal vessels, consistent with a choroidal hemangioma. (B) shows OCT of the same eye with foveal detachment and choroidal elevation (star). (C) B-scan ultrasonography and A-scan ultrasonography. A Masquerade Case: Choroidal Hemangioma Misdiagnosed As Central Serous Retinopathy © by Lai L, Javier T, Lee S, Gallemore RP. is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.
Type 2 CNV known as ‘classic CNV’ is located under the retina and above the RPE and is visualized nicely with ICGA as the network of abnormal vessels in the setting of improved delineation of retinal and choroidal circulations. This improved spatial and temporal visualization with ICGA allows identification of the feeding choroidal vessels into the type 2 CNV lesion.
Aneurysmal type 1 MNV or polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is characterized by a growth of cavernous thin-walled vessels between the RPE and the Bruch’s membrane and is often associated with multiple, recurrent, serosanguineous detachments of the RPE and neurosensory retina secondary to leakage and bleeding from the polypoid lesions. ICGA delineates the polypoid or ‘bulging’ capillaries through the overlying RPE and serosanguineous fluid with higher sensitivity and specificity and provides a better insight into the possible clinical course and prognosis. PCV polyps (that may be located in the peripapillary area or at the macula) start to fill before retinal vessels and continue to fill long after retinal vessels are filled. Thus, polyps are usually seen as early small hypercyanescence that leak slowly as the surrounding hypocyanescence become increasingly hypercyanescent. In later phases, dye gradually and uniformly ‘washes out’ from the bulging polypoidal lesions.
PCV can be misdiagnosed or confused with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy or with classic or occult CNV in the setting of AMD. Indeed, in some patients, a transitional phase between these two pathologies can contain PCV pathologies. PCV lesions are usually responsive to more frequent anti-VEGF treatment with or without photodynamic therapy. In this setting, ICGA can guide management by:
1. Revealing the polypoidal lesions and the branching vascular networks.
2. Identify active PCV for selective treatment with photodynamic therapy (PDT).
3. Identify recurrences after PDT (seen as late geographic hypercyanescence).[9][10][11]
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR): Mid-phase FA (right) shows a smokestack leak,age and ICGA (left) shows a pinpoint hypocyanescent spot corresponding to the leakage site and the adjacent hypercyanescent areas. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Photographer Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; 735. © The American Society of Retina Specialists.Mid-phase FA (right) shows a smokestack leak,age and ICGA (left) shows a pinpoint hypocyanescent spot corresponding to the leakage site and the adjacent hypercyanescent areas. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Photographer Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; 735. © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
Choroidal tumors
ICGA and ultrasonography assist in identifying choroidal hemangiomas and differentiating them from simulating tumors such as choroidal melanoma or metastasis. Choroidal hemangioma displays a characteristic filling pattern observed in ICGA: progressive filling of abnormal choroidal vessels in early stages, followed by intense hypercyanescence at 2-4 minutes, and decreased cyanescence at later time frames as compared to the surrounding choroid, known as washout phenomenon.[12][13][14][15][16]
Even though other choroidal tumors do not have distinctive ICGA features, the methodology is still applicable in differentiating these from non-tumor lesions such as peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR).
The choroidal hypervascularity represented in the pachychoroid spectrum, including central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), can be delineated more effectively through ICGA. The examination often reveals larger areas of choroidal hypervascularity than the leakage point observed in FA, thus guiding photodynamic therapy to incorporate the complete hypervascular and leakage area. Furthermore, chronic CSCR complications associated with CNV, irrespective of leakage or hemorrhage, may be better interpreted through ICGA.
Angioid Streaks: Late phase ICG angiography image of the left eye of a 59-year-old man with angioid streaks demonstrating hypercyanescence of the cracks in the Bruchs membrane. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Photographer Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; 951. © The American Society of Retina Specialists.Late phase ICG angiography image of the left eye of a 59-year-old man with angioid streaks demonstrating hypercyanescence of the cracks in the Bruchs membrane. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Photographer Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; 951. © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
ICGA may provide clearer insights into complications arising from pathologic myopia. CNV lesions that link with lacquer cracks (for instance, those under subretinal hemorrhages associated with newly formed lacquer cracks) are better delineated through ICGA.
Angioid streaks are often visualized more distinctly, extensively, and prominently via ICGA in contrast to FA or regular fundus evaluations.
ICGA proves effective for diagnosing white dot syndromes, particularly when fundus lesions exhibit atypical presentations or have already faded away. In instances of MEWDS, imaging demonstrates numerous hypercyanescent dots scattered across the posterior pole alongside a hypocyanescent area surrounding the optic nerve. With inflammation resolution, these hypocyanescent regions disappear over time.
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS): Late phase angiographic images from a patient with MEWDS; FA (left) and ICGA. ICGA shows hypocyanescent patches corresponding to MEWDS lesions. American Academy of Ophthalmology, , Accessed: 10/1/ phase angiographic images from a patient with MEWDS; FA (left) and ICGA. ICGA shows hypocyanescent patches corresponding to MEWDS lesions. American Academy of Ophthalmology, , Accessed: 10/1/
Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy involves multifocal inflammation in the choriocapillaris, resulting in delayed and defective choroidal filling, which may manifest as a unique pattern of multifocal hypocyanescence identifiable in areas recognized as white spots during retinal examination.
Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy (APMPPE): A 27-year-old male with APMPPE. In the fundus photograph, there are multiple yellow placoid lesions in the posterior pole of both eyes. ICGA revealed more lesions than those observed in fundoscopy. The OCTA segmented at the level of the choriocapillaris revealed areas of ischemia correlating with the hypocyanescent lesions. The OCT with superimposed flow shows disruption and hyperreflectivity of the external retinal layers in the affected areas and the absence of flow in the choriocapillaris beneath. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Claudia Farinha. Photographer Pedro Melo. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.A 27-year-old male with APMPPE. In the fundus photograph, there are multiple yellow placoid lesions in the posterior pole of both eyes. ICGA revealed more lesions than those observed in fundoscopy. The OCTA segmented at the level of the choriocapillaris revealed areas of ischemia in close correspondence with the hypocyanescent lesions. The OCT with superimposed flow shows disruption and hyperreflectivity of the external retinal layers in the affected areas and the absence of flow in the choriocapillaris underneath. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Claudia Farinha. Photographer Pedro Melo. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
Even though ICGA isn't critical for VKH diagnostics, the technique shines in distinguishing active disease from completely treated and inactive VKH based on ICGA-specific patterns. Early signs of VKH include choroidal vessel hypercyanescence and the fuzziness of choroidal stromal vessels during intermediate to late phases, along with disc hypercyanescence and dark hypocyanescent spots. Successful treatment typically leads to resolving these hypocyanescent patches, while their persistence might indicate hidden ongoing inflammation, necessitating heightened immunosupression. ICGA stands out for identifying discreet choroidal inflammation during subclinical VKH reactivation, thus aiding treatment plans.
Widespread, pale lesions within the fundus, as seen in Birdshot chorioretinopathy (BS), appear as equally sized round or oval hypocyanescent spots, especially affecting the nasal quadrants. FA tends to underrepresent these lesions; ICGA frequently detects more spots than clinical assessments. Additional ICGA features indicate anomalies within choroidal vascular patterns, leading to fuzzy and indistinct vessel appearances during the intermediate phases of the angiogram, culminating in diffuse late-stage hypercyanescence resulting from ICG leakage through inflamed choroidal vessels. Throughout the chronic phase, these hypocyanescent dots remain visible throughout late angiogram phases, correlating with chorioretinal scarring.
Choroidal Granulomas
Choroidal granulomatous disorders, such as sarcoidosis and tuberculosis, may present as hypocyanescent lesions indicative of filling defects from granulomatous cell aggregation.
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH): Simultaneous early phase FA (left) and ICGA (right) images of a 42-year-old woman with VKH highlighting hypocyanescent dark dots indicating areas of choroidal hypoperfusion. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Claudia Farinha. Photographer Pedro Melo. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; . © the American Society of Retina Specialists.Simultaneous early phase FA (left) and ICGA (right) images of a 42-year-old woman with VKH showing hypocyanescent dark dots corresponding to hypoperfused areas in choroid. This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website. Claudia Farinha. Photographer Pedro Melo. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. Retina Image Bank. ; . © the American Society of Retina Specialists.
ICGA serves to differentiate between active and inactive or healed serpiginous choroidopathy lesions. Subclinical and actively affected lesions yield distinct patterns, showcasing either early and late hypocyanescence with indistinct edges or early hypocyanescence transitioning to increased cyanescence during late ICGA phases. Healing lesions maintain recognized patterns in both early and late phases, preserving defined edges.
Ocular Infections
ICGA frequently assists in confirming choroidal involvement amidst the spectrum of infectious conditions, though it may not provide additional insights for diagnostics or treatments concerning ocular infections.
Through ICGA, choroidal involvement can be illustrated following traumatic instances like choroidal rupture or ocular hypotony. However, as ICGA generally offers minimal diagnostic or prognostic insights, its use in ocular trauma is limited.
The standard dosing regimen for ICG within scanning laser ophthalmoscope systems involves 25 mg of ICG dissolved in 3 ml of saline, followed by the injection of 1 ml from this solution. For combined imaging with FA and ICGA, the saline is replaced with fluorescein sodium solutions at 10%, 20%, or 25% concentrations. There are three respective temporal phases associated with ICGA imaging—similar to fluorescein angiography.
Birdshot Chorioretinopathy - ICG shows numerous scattered small hypocyanescent spots, not necessarily corresponding to lesions seen on FA or clinical examination This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Armando L. Oliver, MD. Photographer Moises Castro. Birdshot ICG OD. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.- ICG shows numerous scattered small hypocyanescent spots, not necessarily corresponding to lesions seen on FA or clinical examination This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank website. Armando L. Oliver, MD. Photographer Moises Castro. Birdshot ICG OD. Retina Image Bank. ; . © The American Society of Retina Specialists.
Early phase - within the first minute following dye injection reveals larger choroidal arteries and veins, while retinal arteries remain unfilled. Choroidal vessel filling commences from larger outer Haller's layer vessels initially, gradually followed by the intermediate Sattler's layer, ultimately with the choriocapillaris filling last, although camera resolution may not allow for individual identification of choriocapillaris.
Middle phase - spanning approximately 5 to 15 minutes following injection showcases filled retinal arteries, veins, and the choroidal vasculature, accompanied by a diffusion of choroidal cyanescence, which becomes more indistinguishable during this interval.
Late or recirculation phase - occurs post-10-15 minutes of dye injection, during which pathologic hypercyanescent lesions become notably visible against a slowly fading background.
ICGA is a generally safe and well-tolerated imaging procedure with exceedingly rare cases of toxicity or allergic reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, sneezing, and pruritus in 0.15% of procedures. Moderate allergic reactions, like urticaria and pyrexia, manifest in 0.2% of patients, while severe reactions, including bronchospasm and anaphylactic responses, occur in 0.05% of cases. An editorial outlined four notable incidents from 240,000 intravenous indocyanine injections; urticaria appeared in one instance, while three were linked to anaphylactic reactions, with one leading to a fatal outcome.
Absolute contraindications
1. Prior allergic reaction to ICG
2. Iodine/Iodide allergy: While allergic reactions to iodine or shellfish are often highlighted as contraindications, it is essential to note that reactions to indocyanine green are biologically unlikely. Unlike traditional contrast media, the ICG molecule itself does not contain iodide that could be recognized as an antigen to the immune system. Nonetheless, many specialists suggest avoiding ICGA if a patient has demonstrable allergy to iodine. An additional risk arises with the administration of 840µg or more of iodide through ICGA imaging, presenting potential thyroid storm risks in uncontrolled hyperthyroid individuals. In these situations, ICG should be administered with caution or be avoided entirely. Infracyanine green, an iodine-free alternative to ICG, is available for those having an absolute contraindication to ICG administration.
Relative contraindications
1. End-stage renal disease
2. Liver disease
3. Pregnancy (Category C: to date, comprehensive safety studies remain unfulfilled)
ICGA stands as both a safe and significant imaging technique which provides enhanced views of choroidal vasculature and its associated pathological conditions. While its application has receded in managing choroidal neovascular lesions, ICGA continues to prove helpful in guiding the treatment of PCV and CSC and for identifying choroidal hemangiomas alongside ocular inflammatory diseases that principally act on the choroid.
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