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Chapter 1: Why Choose a POP Display?

Author: becky

Jun. 24, 2024

Chapter 1: Why Choose a POP Display?

In today&#;s world, companies have countless ways to promote their product, from online ads to TV commercials. Despite the plethora of digital advertising options available, in-store promotions continue to be a critical part of marketing. Point-of-purchase marketing is so effective that manufacturers pay to have their products displayed in prime locations within a store.

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Overall, companies spend billions on promoting their products each year. For example, advertising spending in the grocery store industry in the United States reached almost $247 billion in . Why do companies focus their attention on in-store promotions? In this chapter, we&#;ll show why POP displays are essential and how they benefit product manufacturers.

Why Are Point-of-Purchase Displays Important?

Unlike commercials or social media ads, POP displays appear when customers are already shopping. They don&#;t interrupt a person&#;s favorite TV show or suddenly block the screen when someone&#;s reading a blog. POP displays are aesthetically pleasing and tempt shoppers to engage with the product without being too pushy. Some POP displays include educational information, which might help customers decide what to buy and make shopping easier.

People spend a lot of time in stores, so it makes sense to target customers as they shop or browse, eager to buy something they&#;ll enjoy. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans spend an average of 46 minutes shopping for groceries, for example.

Another report shows that American shoppers spend an average of 30 minutes in grocery store aisles. That means companies have a half-hour to persuade consumers to choose their brand over a competitor. With a striking POP display, a company can crush the competition and win shoppers&#; attention &#; just when they&#;re about to decide which product to buy. Businesses can also use POP displays to place their products in customers&#; paths, even if they skip aisles.

If you&#;re still wondering if your company needs a stand-out POP display, here are more reasons these advertising mediums play a critical role in the retail environment and give brands a competitive edge:

People Still Prefer to Shop in-Store

Despite the popularity of online shopping, a survey from found that 84% of internet users prefer to purchase food, beverages and cleaning products in-store. The majority also choose to buy cosmetics, clothes and small appliances in person.

People still like to hold products in their hands before they buy them. Plus, customers want certain items right away and don&#;t want to wait for things to ship. If they need to return something, they can go back to the store they bought the item from and avoid shipping costs and related hassles.

POP Displays Reinforce Other Advertising Forms

If you&#;ve invested time and money in an online marketing campaign, you may be wondering if it&#;s worth making room in your budget for POP displays. As long as you plan to sell your product in stores, you&#;ll want to consider creating a unique display for your brand, no matter how many other forms of advertising you&#;ve used.

POP displays reach customers who may not be familiar with your products, even if you have a strong online presence. POP displays also complement other advertising forms and help customers recognize and remember your brand.

POP Displays Help Shoppers Decide

Many shoppers aren&#;t sure what they want. They may not know what type of snack they&#;re hungry for or which hair product to buy when they head to the store. According to the most recent Mass Merchant Shopper Engagement Study, 32% of shoppers do not make shopping lists, and 82% make purchasing decisions in-store. This means that many people go shopping with an open mind and expect to be influenced by a product&#;s advertising as they decide what to buy.

Some shoppers would rather not spend hours browsing and want to get what they need fast, even if they have a shopping list. In any case, a POP display draws attention and shows customers what a product is all about, so they can easily make a decision.

Why POP Displays Work

The world of retail may be changing on several levels. The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in online shopping, mobile apps are becoming the new normal and consumers are demanding more sustainability and transparency from brands. But even with these significant changes, in-store brand awareness and proper product placement are the reigning factors in retail. Here&#;s why.


1. The Right Place at the Right Time

Online advertisements are part of every video, article, survey, podcast and website. They are now so integrated into media channels that consumers are becoming increasingly frustrated and critical of them. And this makes sense because consumers aren&#;t always looking for something to shop for &#; they want entertainment and relaxation.

However, the beauty of in-store displays is that consumers are already in shopping mode. They went to the store planning to buy at least one thing. POP displays are directly in their sightline, taking advantage of location, visibility and timing. Proving the power of retail displays, research has shown it&#;s possible to influence 60% of consumer packaged goods sales at the store level.

2. Instant Gratification

Many consumers enjoy the in-store experience. And there&#;s no wonder why &#; the entire store caters to their desires. Elements like upbeat music, lighting and product placement aim to make retail environments inviting places that are sure to have everything shoppers need or want.

Availability is the name of the game. POP displays aren&#;t only in the right place at the right time &#; they also serve the customer immediately and without any fuss. Displays tell the customer what your brand&#;s values are and how your product can change their lives for the better. And the best part of in-store product displays is that your products are attainable now. People can see, feel and even test the products they are interested in, instead of relying on a photo and brief description online.

With in-person shopping, there are no delivery fees, surcharges, subscription fees or need to wait three to five business days for items to arrive. People buy what they want whenever it&#;s convenient, and get the surge of endorphins that comes with making an exciting purchase they can enjoy immediately.

3. Raising Brand Awareness

You wouldn&#;t have invested the time, passion and energy into a product you didn&#;t believe in. Innovators, creators and entrepreneurs dream of making their brand a household name and serving millions of consumers. But if you&#;re not a Fortune 500 company with an established foothold in the retail space, it can be challenging to get people to notice or invest in your brand. A POP display puts your products and brand on the front lines, right in the faces of potential customers.

If you are already stocking your products at a retail location, why not optimize your real estate to raise brand awareness? A POP display catches attention and efficiently communicates your values and messaging with a single statement. Most customers are open to switching brands. In one survey, 65% of customers said they would change the brands they use in favor of trying something new. Of those who switch, 44% would stick with the new brand even if their old preference was in stock.

Now, more than ever, consumers demand social, economical and environmental responsibility from companies. Interestingly, 62% of millennials and 50% of Gen Z want to align themselves with brands that share their values. POP displays are your opportunity to introduce new customers to your business and what it stands for.

4. Eco-Friendly and Interchangeable

Sustainability has become a keyword in the retail and manufacturing sectors. Consumers, politicians and celebrity figures are all rallying behind initiatives to create greener spaces and produce eco-friendly goods in the most sustainable ways possible. POP displays directly address this concern by promoting your brand&#;s sustainability efforts with recycled and recyclable materials.

In early , there was a 56% increase in sustainably marketed consumer goods. By partnering with a POP designer and manufacturer who only uses 100% recyclable corrugated cardboard and can promote your brand&#;s sustainability programs, you can dominate the marketplace.

POP displays also allow your company to effortlessly change with the seasons in retail. POP displays are often recyclable, affordable and quick to manufacture. Therefore, they are easy to replace as you change campaigns or adapt to new seasons and trends.

What Are the Benefits of POP Displays?

Point-of-purchase statistics prove that POP displays can make an impact and boost sales. For example, an analysis published in Business Research Quarterly confirms that end-of-aisle displays increase visibility and positively affect sales. Price promotions are also more effective when combined with end-of-aisle displays, according to the analysis.

POP displays provide many benefits to companies that want to promote their brand and get their products sold. If you&#;re ready to place your product on the shelves, creating a POP display is one of the most important steps you can take. Here are 11 benefits of POP displays:

1. Attracts Attention

Customers notice POP displays. Think of when you&#;ve encountered an eye-grabbing POP display. It was probably hard not to look at, and it&#;s likely your eyes scanned the display for something you might want to buy. Maybe the display was so enticing that you couldn&#;t resist picking the item off the shelf.

POP displays often use bright colors and striking imagery to capture shoppers&#; attention and prompt them to interact with a product. A well-made POP display will also keep your merchandise from getting lost in a sea of options.

2. Encourages Impulse Buys

An effective POP display encourages shoppers to purchase items on impulse. Impulse buying is when someone suddenly makes an unplanned purchase. Customers might be prone to buying something impulsively if they want to lift a bad mood, reward themselves or fill a need like hunger or thirst. When they encounter marketing stimuli, like POP displays, it triggers impulse buying.

To see how impulse buying works, imagine a customer is bored, waiting in a checkout line. They suddenly notice an attractive POP display filled with delicious-looking chocolate bars. They toss the candy in their cart last-minute, excited to experience the pleasure it&#;ll bring without thinking about their diet. If the POP display had not been there, the chocolate bars might have blended in with the other nearby candy or seemed too ordinary to be worth the splurge.

Impulse buying is common. According to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, consumers spend an average of $5,400 a year impulsively purchasing items like food, clothing and shoes. If you want to inspire customers to buy your products on impulse, a POP display will help you accomplish your goal.

3. Affordable

If you&#;re on a tight marketing budget but need to get your new product out there, consider POP displays. Compared to other advertising methods, like TV commercials, POP displays offer an inexpensive yet effective solution. Customers and employees will also repeatedly see your display, giving you even greater value for your money.

You can create POP displays that fit into your budget by choosing a cost-effective material. For instance, corrugated cardboard is an economical POP display material that costs less than wood, metal or plastic. With corrugated cardboard, you can create a durable, high-quality display that will strongly impact customers.

4. Increases Brand Awareness

Brand awareness describes how well customers recognize and remember your brand. When a company has a high level of brand awareness, it&#;s likely to sell its products. That&#;s because customers tend to purchase brands they are familiar with when faced with similar options.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website getell.

Building brand awareness takes time and usually involves a variety of marketing efforts. POP displays are a way to increase brand awareness in-store and complement other advertising forms. You can use your POP display to share your brand&#;s unique story or showcase its personality. You can quickly teach new customers about your brand and keep your products fresh in existing customers&#; minds.

5. Enables Precise Targeting

You can customize POP displays to target local shoppers and build brand loyalty within your region. For example, you might incorporate a local celebrity, team mascot, community tradition, iconic food or popular place in your display&#;s design. When local customers see your display, they&#;ll automatically connect with your message.

You can also place displays strategically within a store to reach a specific audience. For example, if you want to target hungry shoppers, you might put your display at the front of the store, where customers are likely to make an impulse buy before they check out.

6. Enhances the Shopping Experience

Many customers don&#;t go shopping just to stock up on supplies. They also look forward to getting out and having fun as they shop. POP displays can enhance a store&#;s visual appeal and make the shopping experience even more enjoyable.

Since POP displays are custom-made, you&#;re free to get creative and use colors and images that add beauty, excitement or a sense of calm to a retail environment. You might even use your display to create a complete sensory experience that customers won&#;t forget.

For example, shoppers might look at appealing images, touch the product and maybe even smell, taste or hear the item for sale. Unlike many other advertising methods, POP displays provide a three-dimensional experience that can linger in customers&#; minds.

7. Effectively Promotes Sales

POP displays are an excellent way to promote on-sale items because they grab customers&#; attention. You can print promotions, such as buy one get one, directly on the display in bold, cheerful colors. You can also add coupon tear pads or retail signage to your display to advertise deals as you spread brand awareness.

If you use POP displays as a sales promotion tool, you can increase impulse buys. Customers are more likely to purchase something on impulse if they&#;re getting a good deal.

8. Introduces New Products

Consumers crave new products. Younger shoppers, in particular, look out for fresh products and limited edition items when they shop.

With a POP display, you can illustrate a new product&#;s features in an exciting way, whether your brand is well established or you&#;re just getting started. Your POP display is an opportunity to quickly communicate to customers why they should give your merchandise a chance. Without the display highlighting the item&#;s benefits, customers might reach for brands and products they already know.

9. Educates Customers

Customers who are unfamiliar with your brand or product will have questions before they decide to buy. They might wonder how the product works, how it will benefit them or how it&#;s better than a competitor&#;s item. Maybe they&#;ll ask themselves if it&#;s something they need, want or can afford.

Your POP display is your chance to educate customers about your product and the problems it solves. You can include easy-to-read text on your display, helpful images or other informative content to show customers what your items can do for them. You might attach a brochure holder to your display to include more information.

If customers can quickly grasp what your product is about and how it can make their lives better, they&#;ll be more likely to make a purchase.

10. Allows Versatility

POP displays are easy to install and move around a store, especially if you create a corrugated cardboard display. This allows you and your retail partner to easily experiment with different store areas and see what works best.

For example, if you discover that your craft soda doesn&#;t seem to be selling near other soda brands, you might move your display next to seasonal products or checkout areas.

You can also use your portable display in various locations to spread your brand. Maybe you&#;ll place it in a store one week and bring it to a trade show the next.

11. Helps Retailers

POP displays help retailers promote your products. Although you&#;ll have to follow the store&#;s specifications regarding the display&#;s size, you&#;ll likely have some freedom when it comes to the colors, images, shapes, text and other design elements used. This allows you to show a retailer how you want to present your merchandise in their store.

By helping the retailer display your product, you&#;ll bring greater sales to their store and strengthen the business relationship you have &#; which is certainly something you want. According to research from McKinsey & Company, consumer goods manufacturers outperform competitors when they collaborate closely with retailers.

What Products Are Best for POP Displays?

You can use POP displays to promote just about any product, from pet supplies to sports equipment. However, they are especially beneficial for new products, seasonal items, on-sale items, consumer packaged goods and any products shoppers typically buy on impulse. Examples of items that consumers commonly purchase on impulse include:

  • Food
  • Candy
  • Beverages
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Cosmetics
  • Household items

Point-of-Purchase Display Examples

You can find point-of-purchase displays in all areas of a store. For example, take a trip to your local supermarket, and you&#;ll discover endcap displays at the end of aisles, likely promoting seasonal products. In the checkout lane, you might see counter displays holding candy, gum or other small impulse buys. If you walk around the perimeter of the store, you&#;ll probably encounter display bins containing seasonal produce or clearance items.

For specific examples of POP displays, check out our case studies and success stories. At Creative Displays Now, we&#;re ready to design, manufacture and ship a custom, showstopping display for your brand. Contact us today to learn more or request an estimate.

Top 10 Reasons to use Pop-up Display for your Brand ...

We assume you seek a powerful marketing tool to elevate your brand&#;s visibility. Pop-up displays can be a sure solution for it! These versatile display banners come in various styles and designs, making them an ideal choice for businesses. They can be used to display your business messages in trade shows, storefronts, market areas, and any other spots with your potential customers&#; footfalls.  

Starting off as advertisement tools for retail stores in the s, these displays took a major boom in their uses, and now they are very common in almost every landscape of offline business promotions. Market trends suggest that these pop-up displays have seen a major surge in marketers&#; choices compared to traditional marketing flexes and banners.  

They are cost-effective, take up less space, have higher engagement rates, can be easily carried out, and much more! Isn&#;t it all that we expect with marketing material? If we keep listing the benefits of these durable and versatile displays, they may continue on and on. Let&#;s quickly analyze the displays&#; major marketing benefits and how businesses can get best out of them. Here we go, then!  

They Are Versatile: Marketing is not a one-time task; its goals can&#;t be achieved with a particular event or campaign. Businesses always look for solutions that are multipurpose and reliable. The advertising pull-up banners fill this gap with their unique and engaging design structure that suits almost every physical event and conference. They can be installed in front of your exhibition stall and attract customers&#; attention in market areas. Put them near the entry gates of some business-meet events or any place you think is a perfect spot to catch footfalls.   

Pop Up Trade Show Displays Boost Visibility: Regarding advertising, visibility is a MUST. Brands need to stand out and grab the attention of potential customers. That&#;s where pop up trade show displays come to the game. They are designed to be eye-catching and attention-grabbing &#; the perfect tool for increasing visibility at conferences, trade exhibits and all other related events. Whether you go with bold graphics, sleek designs, or vibrant colors, your pop display will surely capture the attention of passers-by. The professional, polished and elegant design of these highly opted display banners makes them stand out from other traditional advertisement tools and gives the brand more elevated footfalls to the brands.  

Effective Tool That Saves Costs: Cost management is one of the most important parts for businesses to meet the crucial ROIs. These pop up banner displays are designed keeping all such financial parameters in mind. Why go with any random materials banner when the market is already accepting a method that is both reliable and cost-effective at the same time? They make you spend less on transport, give options for better customizations, give you better conversions, and can be easily maintained with a minimal effort required. Isn&#;t it what you are looking for?  

Customizable Marketing: Tailor these displays to match your brand&#;s unique identity! Again, the high-level customizability of these single-sided and double-sided pop-up banners gives them a plus. As a brand, you always have your custom messages to say. You can customize your graphics, colors, materials and more. These customizations make your presence more appealing and impact the visitors more. Typical pre-designed advertisement banners are a good and easier option to opt for. But to make a lasting impression on your prospected customers, you must consider descent customizations on these displays.  

Sturdy Frameworks: It is necessary to make sure your marketing materials do not collapse during any campaign. If you do not choose it wisely, it will not be just a financial loss. It may also put your brand&#;s reputation at stake. These exhibition pop up stands Pop-up display banners come with extremely durable poles material. These fabric pop up display stands are built to withstand the usual wear and tear happening around them.   

Portability At Its Peak: Businesses usually participate in multiple events, so they must port their marketing materials to designated spots. What is the first thought that comes to mind at that time? How do you manage the transport, and what if the materials get damaged, right? Well, these pop-up booth displays deal with this situation more proficiently than most think.   

Can Be Easily Assembled and Dissembled: The light-weighted promotional display stands are specially designed to be easily installed and dismantled. Hence, they become the ideal choice for conferences, trade shows, and other occasions where brands must set up and tear down them quickly.   

They Are Reusable: They cut your costs again with the option to reuse them on multiple events. There are two ways you can reuse them. If you have to deliver your same business message with pop up banners for trade shows, pick them and install them at your next spot with minimal effort. Whereas, if you need to change any printed part of the pop-up displays, you also have some options. You may pull out the fabric of the pop banner and get a new design or message printed for the same display stand. By doing this, you smartly save time and cost.   

Minimal Maintenance Required: They need almost no maintenance at all. You can dismantle the displays and put them in your storeroom whenever your campaign ends. Although, very basic care can be done. Like, the attack of chemicals or pressure water must be avoided. You can even wash the fabric of your display with water and detergent.  

They Look Attractive: We often ignore the very basic fact that we all love stylish and attractive things. So do our customers. If we compare a sleek and shiny pop-up display with a content-stuffed typical banner, what will grab your attention first? You already know the answer!  

These few advantages of pop displays make them stand out from other traditional promotional banners we see. Businesses are rapidly accepting this advanced advertising method, and so should you, we believe! 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Custom POP Display Graphics.





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