Valve Testing and Validations Standards: An Overview
Oct. 07, 2024
Valve Testing and Validations Standards: An Overview
Basis of Design Validations
Pressure, temperature, and number of cycles are the critical factors determining the performance of the valve and the durability of its seat performance. API 6D QSL in addition to the mechanical cycles, calls for the extended duration of the seat and shell tests depending upon QSL levels. It also increases the stringency levels of NDE, including visual testing (VT), magnetic-particle testing (MT), penetrant testing (PT), and radiographic testing (RT).
EN Annexure A has gone a step ahead and even defined the material of the tested valves, and defines qualifications accordingly.
All of these standards recommend testing in both water and gas. The gas can be air, nitrogen, methane, or other gases or mixtures of gases. Though dry air is allowed as test media, ISO gives a warning on self-ignition risk when testing the valve above 5Mpa (50 bar). API 6D QSL level gas testing media shall be nitrogen only.
ISO and API 6D Annexure F define almost equivalent scaling factors. On pressure classes in general, a test of any pressure class shall qualify any valves having an equal or lower pressure class, but 6D Annex F and ISO differentiate class 600 and below, and 900 and above.
- API6D Annexure F
- 1/2 2 Any one size
- 3 to 24 Three sizes smaller and two sizes higher
- 24 Above One size smaller and two sizes larger
- ASME Class 600 validates Class 600, Class 300, and Class 150.
- ASME Class 900 validates only Class 900.
- ASME Class validates Class and Class 900.
- ASME Class validates only Class
- 1/2 2 Any one size
- 2 to 24 Three sizes smaller and two sizes higher
- 30 80 One size smaller and two sizes larger
Class 600 and below is one range and class 900 and above is another range in these ranges, any tested valve qualifies itself and its lower pressure class.
- EN
Testing any one valve in the following size range will qualify the respective size range:
- 6
- 8 to 18
- 20 to 28
- Greater than 30
A test of any pressure class shall qualify any valves having an equal or lower pressure class. This covers all steel shell materials having mechanical properties equal to or superior to those of the test valve. The valve manufacturer shall request the independent accepted body, usually once annually, to check the continuous manufacture and testing of valves, for which a type mark was granted.
Valve Standard Specifications: API, ANSI, ASME, BS
Valve Standard Specifications: API, ANSI, ASME, BS
Valve Standard Specifications: API, ANSI, ASME, BS
Design Standard:
API 600 Steel Valves Flanged & Buttwelding End
API 600 is the main gate valve specication. Valve design and construction criteria are specied, as well as materials and trim designations.Anappendix covers information pertaining to pressure seal valves. ISO Standard is essentially the same as API 600, re-produced in the ISOformat.
API 6D Specication for Pipeline Valves Gate, Plug, Ball and Check Valves
Specication for pipeline valves (gate, ball, plug, and check valves) API 6D is the primary standard for valves used in main line pipeline service, including gate, ball, plug and check valves.Occasionally renery and petrochemical purchasers will reference the more stringent testing requirements of API 6D,602, 609 or BS , is specied upstream. Similarly ball valves manufactured to API 608 may be specied as tested to API 6D.
API 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves Flanged, Threaded, Welding and Extended-Body Ends
API 602 is for 100 NB (4) & smaller forged steel gates valve specication. Valve design and construction criteria are specied, as well as materials and trim designations. This standard includes requirements forbellows seal gate valves. In 150, 300 and 600 class API 602 requires a heavier wall than ANSI B16.34
API 603 Cast, Corrosion Resistant, Flanged-End Gate Valves
API 603 covers light walled gate valves in sizes NPS 15mm to 600mm (1/2 through 24), in classes 150,300&600.These valves are used in applications where a thicker API 600 casting is not needed. However, the wall thickness normally conforms to ANSI B16.34 wall.
API 608 Steel Ball Valves Flanged and ButtweldingEnds
Typically used for oating ball valves, API 608 is the purchase specication for class 150, 300, 600 and 800 class steel ball valves. Valves design and construction criteria are detailed. Trunnion mounted pipeline ball valves are manufactured to API 6D but API 608 is also allowable up to 500NB(20).
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit valve test stand.
API 609 Buttery Valves Lug-Type and Wafer-Type
API 609 is a specication for buttery valves with lug-type and wafer-type congurations designed for installation between ANSI B16 anges, 150 to class.
ASME/ANSI B16.34 Steel Valves Flanged & Buttwelding Ends
ASME B16.34 is the standard in which steel valve pressure/temperature ratings are specied. It also offers additional valve specication data including non-destructive examination procedures for upgrading valves for special class service. Gate valves manufactured under B16.34 wall thickness minimums may not meet the minimum wall thickness required of API 600 (cast steel valves) & API 602 (forged valves) for class 150, 300 and 600.
Face-to-Face Dimensions Standard:
ASME/ANSI B16.10 Face-to-Face Dimensions of Ferrous Valves
ASME B16.10 species the face-to-face dimensions of all anged and buttweld end valves. Screwed and socket weld end valve face-to-face dimensions are not included in this standard.
End Dimensions Standard:
ASME B16.5 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings
NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard
ASME B16.47
Large Diameter Steel Flanges
NPS 26 Through NPS 60
ASME B16.25 Butt Welding Ends
ASME B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding, and Threaded
Test Standard:
API 598 Valve Inspection & Testing
API 598 covers the testing and inspection requirements for check, gate, globe, ball, plug & buttery valves. Steel valve pressure ratings in ASME/ANSI B16.34 are required to determine API 598 test pressure for steel valves.
BS EN Industrial Valve- Testing of Metallic Valves
Part 1 Pressure tests, test procedures and acceptance of creteria-mandatory reuirement
ISO Valve Test Standard
Incorporates an adoption of API 6D test standard. Leakage rate A is specied for soft seated valves and plug valves (zero leakage*). Also includes standards for gate, globe and check valves.
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