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Your Position: Home - Machinery - Pro opinion on Nanobrewery proposition

Pro opinion on Nanobrewery proposition

Pro opinion on Nanobrewery proposition

Some time ago I came to the realization that working in the craft beer industry was where I wanted to be.  However, over time, I also realized that being an entrepreneur was a big part of my vision, and I'm now doing the work necessary to open a nanobrewery.

Based on all the research I've done and training I've received, any product you're trying to sell requires you to know what market you're trying to sell to. My vision is to keg only and be a local beer provider to restaurants (in particular gastro pubs) in my area.  I've already talked to some owners and they're thrilled with the idea of being able to purchase very locally made beer. ("Thrilled", is an understatement. There's a lot of bugged eyes and, "When are you opening??!!" noises, because they're looking to differentiate from other restaurants that have cheaper food and are craft ale drinkers.)

The beer style will be very "English" so, definitely a lower hop and alcohol profile than a lot of American beers. 

After attending the 2013 NHC: Going Pro panel, I left with a question (or questions) I'm hoping other pros could add insight on.

1. Can I stay a nanobrewery and still make enough money to stop my day job?
2. Is it too late to pursue the market with a milder beer profile? In other words, has the craft beer market taught craft beer drinkers that "good" beers are essentially IPAs and anything else is just not as good if it doesn't have 40+ IBUs?

I've got to be clear here, I'm not looking for an ideological discussion. I'm truly trying to understand how difficult my distribution road will be if I'm not creating "extreme" beers.  Making beer, giving local people jobs and producing a quality delicious product has become my calling; I'm just trying to better understand what it'll take for my vision to come true. I'm not afraid of hard work, I'm just old enough to understand I want to work hard and smart, with emphasis on the


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I greatly appreciate any and all insight pro brewers, especially those who started their own brewery can offer.


Is Nanobrewing a Viable Model? - Beervana

The upside is pretty obvious: low start-up costs. Small commercial brewing systems can be had used

Brewing is hard work and the margins are pretty slim. If you don't own your own brewpub, the way to make brewing profitable


to be selling a lot--which is why production breweries try to get bigger systems on line. The cost of a unit of beer drops when a brewery gets bigger and more efficient--which makes the profit margin larger. On a recent ProBrewer discussion thread, nano-hopefuls discussed
So, to calc the P&L stuff, I started off choosing three recipes to launch with. I calculated the ingredients needed to brew one batch of each, and got pricing from suppliers to give me a rough estimate of a cost per batch. I used (arbitrarily) a three month production cycle, and based on my brewing schedule came up with a) ingredients needed on hand per cycle, and b) amount of saleable beer produced per cycle. I then came up with sample sales percentages for new growlers, refilled growlers, and free samples given away at the brewery, as well as sample pricing for the growlers. This gives me a rough idea of income, assuming I sell all the beer produced. I would also be trying to land draft accounts, so I have to build that into my sheet.... My initial findings, after playing with all of this, is a nano is **at BEST** a breakeven operation.
So why on earth would you start a nano-brewery? To go big. Here's that same brewer describing his goal:
The only way this venture makes sense is if I can leverage my tiny production runs to build a brand, build a following, and then expand. It is a proof of concept - a pilot program, if you will, for a production brewery that does not exist yet. Trust me, I'd rather go huge, but I will not put myself in enormous debt and risk my home and personal assets, and I do not want to seek outside investment at the level I would need right now.
I once aspired to make movies, and I recognize this model from that industry: you make a calling-card short and use it to sell financial backers on your idea for a feature. For the DIY brewer with more energy than money, it's a way of getting into the business without taking on a huge amount of risk.

The biggest downside I can see is that small systems are harder to use and more prone to inconsistency. Quality control is a bigger issue. Having a tiny brewery limits the kinds of beers you can make--nothing that requires months or years in tanks or barrels, for example.

But within those confines, is it possible for the little breweries to get started, build a following, and then go big time? We'll see. For a shot in the arm, nanobrewers can look to Rick Allen, one of the early pioneers: his Heater Allen Brewery has made the transition to a regular micro system and seems to be humming along.

Every year or two a new trend sweeps through craft brewing--some are larger, structural trends; others are small and aesthetic. Some last, some fade. One of the biggest trends of the moment is nano-brewing. For a longer primer on what "nano" means,

have a look at Ezra's post at the New School

Additional reading:
What is the correct order of brewing?
Commercial Bakery Equipment List | Blog
Demand for Gypsum Mining and Wallboard Manufacturing ...

Goto YME to know more.

; for our purposes, let's say that nano breweries are less than three barrel systems, usually (but not always!) disconnected from a pub. In Oregon, Heater Allen blazed the trail, and now there are a handful of others like Natian and the newly-minted Beetje. Although they're not much bigger than home-breweries, they compete against Widmer and Deschutes for tap handles.The upside is pretty obvious: low start-up costs. Small commercial brewing systems can be had used

for less than $100k

, but can run a lot more than that if you sidle over to JV Northwest for a new brewhouse. One-barrel systems look expensive compared to homebreweries, but are cheap by comparison to 10-barrel systems. For the average person, a nano-brewery represents a conceivable initial investment. The big question I have is: is it a viable business model.Brewing is hard work and the margins are pretty slim. If you don't own your own brewpub, the way to make brewing profitableto be selling a lot--which is why production breweries try to get bigger systems on line. The cost of a unit of beer drops when a brewery gets bigger and more efficient--which makes the profit margin larger. On a recent ProBrewer discussion thread, nano-hopefuls discussed

whether the model penned

out or not:So why on earth would you start a nano-brewery? To go big. Here's that same brewer describing his goal:I once aspired to make movies, and I recognize this model from that industry: you make a calling-card short and use it to sell financial backers on your idea for a feature. For the DIY brewer with more energy than money, it's a way of getting into the business without taking on a huge amount of risk.The biggest downside I can see is that small systems are harder to use and more prone to inconsistency. Quality control is a bigger issue. Having a tiny brewery limits the kinds of beers you can make--nothing that requires months or years in tanks or barrels, for example.But within those confines, is it possible for the little breweries to get started, build a following, and then go big time? We'll see. For a shot in the arm, nanobrewers can look to Rick Allen, one of the early pioneers: his Heater Allen Brewery has made the transition to a regular micro system and seems to be humming along.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website nano brewing system.





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