Questions You Should Know about Laser Air Compressor
Questions about air assist - Community Laser Talk
Correct. There is a physical difference between an engraving set up and a cutting set up. It’s all below the #3 mirror and your air compressor.
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An engraving set up has a restricted air fitting to a nozzle with a relatively large opening that the focal point is around 20mm below the tip. For engraving, the exhaust is doing most of the work, the air assist keeps the lens clean and gives a few puffs to the work.
A cutting set up has a wide open air fitting to a nozzle withe a smaller opening. The lens is held further up in the lens tube putting the high air flow through a small opening down close tot he work and into the cut keeping the out gasses clear. High air flow is not something the little air compressor that came with your machine can do. We’re talking somewhere in the neighborhood of a 5 or 6 gallon tank and compressor. I have a feed from my big shop compressor in the next building, It’s 120 psi so I have a regulator and buffer tank in the laser shed to knock it down to 60m psi before it goes to the regulators at the laser.\
And it doesn’t matter the focal length lens I have in. 1.5" all the way up to 4", the tip to work distance only varies by less than 2mm.
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If I need to engrave, raster ( fill ), or vector ( line ), I simply turn the air assist off so only the minimal bypass is on keeping the lens clear. That is also assuming you have good laminar air flow across your work. I had to move my exhaust to get that part right as well. Mine shipped with in the front and out the side. That does NOT work. It now exhausts out the back.
You can see the physical difference in the nozzles on my Google Mod page at the top, and Air Assist 04 shows the stark difference switching from an engraving set up with bad air assist to a cutting set up with good air assist can make. There are also some sample pics at the bottom.
Question about Sizing an Air Compressor for Air Assist ...
Question about Sizing an Air Compressor for Air Assist (when I don't need pure N2)
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