Razor Concertina Wire Supplied to Enhance Security
Razor Concertina Wire Supplied to Enhance Security
Concertina wire gives ultimate security to properties
Please visit our website for more information on this topic.
Anping Enzar Metal Products Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of concertina wire and razor wire. Since its foundation in , our company has been focus on satisfying customers' requirements. We constantly modify our products and develop new models to keep up with the market.
Additional reading:Fumed Silica < Our Business | OCI
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Jiaohao Wire Mesh.
Although concertina wire and razor wire are very common today, some are confused. FAQs are designed to help you know concertina wire better.
Concertina wire?
Concertina wire is very nasty stuff. It will snag on anything other than fine mesh chain mail, and if you don't carefully remove each point one by one from your clothing/flesh you will just make things worse.
I've been on wire detail in the Army, and even with chain mail gloves I got all cut up. The uniform I was wearing would never past inspection again either. It took us all afternoon to load twenty spools from a five-ton to the ground. They are like a demonic Slinky.
The others are right about a lawsuit. If anybody ever stumbled onto your property and got caught in the wire you will be in serious trouble. Even a burglar with a full lockpick kit, watch cap, and Zorro mask would probably have a case in today's world.
If you're trying to discourage trespassers, why in the world would you paint it green?
Contact us to discuss your requirements of concertina barbed wire. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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