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75+ Medical School Interview Questions & Answers | BeMo®

Common Medical School Interview Question #1: Tell Me About Yourself.

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Why is this question asked?

I considered this question an icebreaker when I prepared for my interviews, but also to get a sense of whether or not you can provide an organized, meaningful answer to an open-ended question. As an interviewer I can get an idea of who you are and what your motivations are. Often, I would use the answer to lead into other related questions. It allowed me to transition into more difficult or complex questions related to behavior or motivations. This is why this question is the one I most commonly asked candidates.

Because this question is more open-ended than most, it&#;s a good opportunity for you to summarize or highlight parts of your life that they think are relevant to the interview. The answer will help the interviewer learn about what you value and how you see yourself.

How to answer this question:

If you can&#;t think of an answer, check out the infographic below for some brainstorming questions and tips to get you started.

Stuck on &#;tell me about yourself&#; in a med school interview?

Common Medical School Interview Question #2: Tell Me About a Time You Did Not Get Along with a Superior.

Why is this question asked?

When I was an admissions interviewer, we loved to ask questions like this. In addition to reading about your unparalleled skills and fantastic personality in the medical school recommendation letters written by superiors who respect and support you, I wanted applicants to reflect on a time when they didn&#;t have the perfect relationship with a teacher or mentor.

The process of professional and personal maturation isn&#;t always pretty, but you should be able to identify these lessons and show that you can take accountability.

How to answer this question:

This is a question you should prepare for in advance, as I needed a lot of time to come up with a suitable answer.

For example, I related a time that a professor and I had a disagreement over a mark on an assignment. I felt that x was the answer, and I gave supporting information to back up my choice. However, my professor disagreed and explained the answer was y and then elaborated on her point. In the end, the professor did not change my grade and I came out of the situation with a better understanding of not only how to solve that specific problem, but how to approach a difficult situation wherein I disagreed with someone in a position of power.

Common Medical School Interview Question #3: What Do You Think Makes a Good Team?

Why is this question asked?

Any medical school curriculum will involve a great deal of teamwork and collaboration in a clinical environment. You will have to rely on others, and they will have to rely on you. This is also true for when you become a residency student, a resident doctor and an independent practician. Cooperating well with other professionals like nurses, physician assistants, and secretaries enables delivery of high-quality health services. Good cooperation also coincides with proper use of resources relative to patient needs.

How to answer this question:

Dr. Jaime Cazes, a graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine and former medical school admissions officer, says to use tangible, real-life examples:

&#;Just think back to an awesome team you were on. What was it about it that made it so much fun or that made it work well? Use real life examples and specifics when answering this.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Check out some of the HARDEST medical school interview questions you must prepare for!

Common Medical School Interview Question #4: What is the Most Unpopular Position You Have Taken? Have You Changed Your Opinion Since Then?

Why is this question asked?

In my experience, being able to handle and diffuse conflict will show that you have the skills to handle a similar situation in medical school. As a physician, there might be times when you and your colleagues disagree on something. A diagnosis, for example. It&#;s important to communicate your reasons for interpreting the results in a certain way so you and your colleagues can come to an agreement based on facts and evidence. If you&#;re unable to think of a good example to discuss for this question, this would make me doubt your self-awareness, open-mindedness, and your ability to act professionally.

How to answer this question:

This can seem like a dangerous question, but there&#;s a way to answer positively. Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, advises to keep your answer to this topic lighthearted and as an opportunity to inject some levity into the interview:

&#;Do not say any highly controversial or inflammatory opinions that would be considered red flag things here &#; I don&#;t see why this question can&#;t be answered with some levity though. I.e. I don&#;t like Game of Thrones, or I really like pineapple on pizza. You will have to judge this when you get to the interview but if they are asking this more seriously, think of something that may have been unpopular to believe, without you being a bigot. Generally, if it is not something you would say to a stranger in public, you probably do not want to say it to the interviewer.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

One of our med school students, Sarah, found that expressing an unconventional opinion can unfortunately sometimes have negative consequences during the interview. Fortunately, Sarah was able to reapply to medical school, brush up on her interviewing skills and received 2 acceptances.

"My view of how medicine should be practiced is somewhat unconventional, and my experiences were accordingly somewhat less typical than those of the average applicant. I certainly feel that this made it harder to be offered interviews, and in my interviews with a couple of schools, I felt some slight push-back against my views and vision. I also really struggled with interviewing at first because I am just not a naturally gifted interviewer. After a really bad set of interviews at the first school I interviewed with, I was rejected almost right after and knew I needed practice and advice." - Sarah, BeMo student

Common Medical School Interview Question #5: Tell Me About a Time When You Acted Unprofessionally

Why is this question asked?

Lack of professionalism is a very big deal in medicine. And it&#;s not just the obvious stuff like harming a patient unintentionally, lying, or being an awful colleague to the staff in the circle of care. Unprofessionalism is a lack of awareness about who you are serving when delivering care. It is not standing up for the patients&#; best interests. It is not advocating for your patients. It is not following the standards of care. As you know, this is why medical schools value situational judgment tests like CASPer and AAMC Preview that test your preprofessional skills and maturity.

When I asked this question, I wanted to get an idea of how you behave when you make an error. Sometimes, mistakes are made. We&#;re not looking for a candidate who never makes a mistake, but one that can acknowledge their wrongdoing and take the steps needed to remedy it.

Dr. Monica Taneja, a graduate from the University of Maryland medical school and one of our admissions experts, emphasizes the importance of spinning a negative into a positive.

&#;Focus on an experience where you can provide significant redirection and growth without focusing on the negative. You want to make sure to spin by acknowledging ethical gray areas without red flags.&#; - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland

Remember to choose an example that isn&#;t too critical. Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, says:

&#;This is a fine line &#; I would talk about something unprofessional but light. The important thing here is to talk about what you learned from it and how you plan to avoid it in the future.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Self-awareness is a leadership quality. Self-awareness is shown by your ability to accept your role in a situation without making excuses, deflecting blame, or taking all of the credit. Being able to maturely recount past mistakes and self-reflect on how to draw on those experiences to be better in the future demonstrates professionalism.

How to answer this question:

You want to be strategic in the example you choose and be prepared to explain what you learned or how you grew from the experience. This is why advanced practice and medical school interview preparation are key, so you are not caught off guard by such &#;negative&#; questions.

Here&#;s something I included at the end of my answer to this question during my medical school interviews: &#;I can see now that this kind of situation may arise in medical school or in medicine. Though I regret how I acted at the time, I feel fortunate to have had the experience, so that I could reflect on it and make more intentional choices in the future, ones that benefit my colleagues and patients.&#;

Common Medical School Interview Question #6: Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Empathy and Compassion

Why is this question asked?

When I was an admissions interviewer, I wanted to see that applicants were compassionate and empathetic individuals who could succeed in medical school and as a future physician. The reason why this trait has always been highly regarded in health care is because it predicts better patient outcomes, according to a study. There are also other important qualities beget by the ability to empathize, such as responsibility and conscientiousness.

I wanted to see that applicants had strategies to handle stress and reduce compassion fatigue. One study showed that there was a positive correlation between compassion and reduced burnout. When applicants showed they had rapport with their patients, especially in settings where they will see the same people over and over, this improved their ability to communicate and connect with patients. Having your patients&#; trust will allow you to understand their needs and address their concerns.

How to answer this question:

Ideally, you should use a clinical experience to demonstrate compassion and empathy. This will allow the admissions committee to assess an interaction directly translatable to your future as a physician. You can, however, use experience that aren&#;t clinical, but they should be related to medical school in some way.

For any question involving an experience, you must show, not tell. Dr. Jaime Cazes, one of our med school admissions experts and former admissions officer at the University of Toronto med school, says:

&#;Being specific here is key. It is easy to give vague and cookie cutter answers, but really go back in your life and think about a specific example to answer these kinds of questions.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Practice for your interview with our mock MMI simulation!

Common Medical School Interview Question #7: What Was Your Favorite Extracurricular?

Why is this question asked?

As a former admissions officer I was looking for a story behind applicants&#; choices with this question. If an applicant had too many or too few extracurriculars for medical school, this was especially true. This is your chance to make your character, and suitability for medical school, clearer. For example, I made sure my application indicated a preponderance of community service, as the medical schools I applied to emphasized this in their curriculum.

How to answer this question:

You can certainly review your application materials such as AMCAS Work and Activities or AMCAS most meaningful experiences to highlight one of the experiences you already included, but you may also want to take this opportunity to talk about something you have not mentioned in your application components.

Our med school admissions expert, Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, says it&#;s better to talk about whatever you&#;re most passionate about:

&#;Go wild here! The more passionate you truly are about something, the more this will come across in your interviews and you will find you have no problems talking about something you are really passionate about.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Common Medical School Interview Question #8: What Was Your Favorite Thing About Your Undergraduate Major?

Why is this question asked?

In a question like this, I was specifically asking about gaps or inconsistencies, or an incomplete or confusing transcript. Some of the electives you took might also indicate a competing subject interest. This was an opportunity for applicants to expound on interests that don&#;t relate to medicine.

When I asked a question like this, I was looking for an answer that shows symmetry between the path an applicant chose and the passions they exhibit in their materials and interview answers. I want to see, for example, that an applicant didn&#;t just look at medical school acceptance rates by major to dictate their interests or choices.

How to answer this question:

Choose elements of your program you truly loved &#; this will reveal something about you and your character that&#;s memorable. For example, my undergrad major allowed me to conduct amazing research experiments and go on an exchange to another country. Be creative! This is your time to stand out. 


Common Medical School Interview Question #9: What Should Be Done About the Shortage of Medical Specialists and Adequate Resources in Rural Settings?

Why is this question asked?

This is a policy question, which means it can come up in any interview setting, including a traditional interview or as an MMI policy question. I used this question to get some insight into applicants&#; perspectives on topical subjects in healthcare, such as:

  • Do you know about the health disparities faced by rural areas?
  • Do you know the drivers of these problems? There are health system drivers (e.g., lack of economies of scale, fewer specialist facilities for surgical care, lack of primary care practitioners, fewer specialist allied health to support efficient specialist care, limited resources from provinces, very few doctors actually come from rural areas themselves), and there are non-health system drivers (e.g. lack of access to reliable transit, poverty, limited educational opportunities, less access to social capital).
  • Do you know some of the most common solutions from non-governmental and governmental organizations?
  • Do you have an interesting, thoughtful take on these solutions?

How to answer this question:

Knowing what&#;s happening in the medical field is your best preparation for this question. Our med school admissions expert, Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, says:

&#;You should be prepared during interviews to discuss challenges facing the medical field. A thoughtful answer is giving some current initiatives or program that work to address these challenges, while acknowledging the setbacks. Broadly, you should be familiar with legislation that affects medical practice.&#; - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland

Brush up on regional initiatives, both public and private, to improve healthcare in the areas around the school you&#;re interviewing at. A region-specific answer will resonate more than discussing a national or broad solution to this issue, since many medical schools have a special focus on improving healthcare in their region and local rural communities.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website dr plant.

Applying to DO schools? Prepare for osteopathic med school interview questions!

Common Medical School Interview Question #10: Have You Completed Any Research Projects or Are You Interested in Research?

Why is this question asked?

While I did find this question redundant as an interviewer, as applicants would have listed the premed research opportunities they participated in in their application, I didn&#;t always get to read an applicant&#;s entire application package beforehand. As an interviewer, I received thousands of submissions and often just knew the name of the applicant I was interviewing, nothing else. This may seem obvious, but if you have completed research, be prepared to talk about it. You need to know the entire project in detail.

As an interviewer, I want to see if you&#;ve developed any research goals that can align with the interests of the school&#;s faculty members. If you don&#;t have any research experience as an undergraduate, you should still prepare to discuss what projects you might be interested in based on the research trends of the institution.

How to answer this question:

Be honest about your involvement in the project. Here&#;s a hint: I can tell by your answer how involved you were with the project. So, if some time has passed since you submitted your research, read through your abstract again. Refresh your mind and have clear talking points.

This may also seem obvious, but if you did not complete a research project, do not lie about it. It is dishonest and could really damage your career. Not having research is not the end of the world as it isn't usually considered in the same league as other medical school requirements.

Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, one of our med school admissions experts, says it&#;s best to have a back-up if you&#;re not research-inclined.

&#;I don&#;t think there is anything wrong with saying that you have other interests [than research], but you MUST explain how you intend to supplement this. For example, you may be interested in education or quality improvement more than academic research. I wouldn&#;t completely discount research or talk about it with disgust, but instead of shooting the question down entirely, turning it around to other related areas of interest that supplement your academic forays.&#; - - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Common Medical School Interview Question #11: Have You Applied to Other Schools? Which Ones? Why Those Schools?

Why is this question asked?

News flash: we know you&#;ve applied to other schools! What I would be asking with this question is whether or not you have an idea for the kind of training you know will benefit your learning style and best prepare you for your career. If you have no knowledge of the schools you applied to, this shows a lack of resourcefulness and diligence, which are two substantial red flags. As an admissions interviewer I was interested in candidates who were interested in the program and institution. I wanted to know that we weren&#;t a backup plan, or that the only reason an applicant applied was for prestige.

How to answer this question:

Be direct. If you have only selected schools that rely on problem-based learning and social justice, say this. If you have only selected schools with strong MD-PhD programs in neuroscience, say that. If you are only applying to Ivy League medical schools, you can mention that also. It comes across as confident, planned, and structured.

Our MD admissions experts, Dr. Monica Taneja and Dr. Jaime Cazes, emphasize keeping the focus on the school you&#;re interviewing with:

&#;This question can seem innocent, but largely doesn&#;t provide the interviewer any information other than to see how serious you are about them. It is okay to be vague and give a general geographical area, but my main suggestion would be to redirect and focus on the items that draw you to the medical school you are at the interview for,&#; Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, says.

&#;I would simply state that I have applied to other schools, however, I would love to hear more about this school and how it stands out amongst the rest. I wouldn&#;t delve into details about why or why not other schools as this could be ammo for rejecting you,&#; says Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD.

Common Medical School Interview Question #12: Why Should We Choose You Over Other Applicants?

Why is this question asked?

The sneaky part of this question that applicants often miss is that the interviewers are trying to see if your abilities/interests align with what the school and program has to offer. In other words, they are trying to see whether you have reflected on how to choose a medical school that&#;s right for you.

Every medical school wants to accept students who will make contributions to their schools and culture. If you can&#;t explain how you think you can contribute, the school will lose interest. What you say about yourself also says a lot about how fit you are to promote and be a part of the school&#;s mission.

How to answer this question:

Reframe how you think about this question to avoid coming off as too &#;braggy&#; or not confident in yourself, says our admissions expert, Dr. Monica Taneja, MD:

&#;Another way of thinking about this question is &#;why are you different.&#; Thinking about it this way focuses on your achievements as differentiators instead of coming off as &#;bragging&#; or better than others. You want to focus on your own background, experiences, or activities that make you stand out.&#; - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland

Here&#;s an example of how to respond from one of our admissions experts, Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD:

&#;During my interviews I talked about how I was very passionate about music and that, should I be accepted to a particular medical school, I would want to look into music-based initiatives both focused on patient care and within the education sphere itself. I would be super grateful for the opportunity to pursue this should I be accepted. I do think it's always good to give specific examples as opposed to broad statements about yourself (i.e. I'm a very hard worker or I get along easily with people). Practice answering this question and it always helps to do some research about each school you apply to so you can further make your responses more personalized.&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Here's a tricky MMI interview question to practice with:

Common Medical School Interview Question #13: If You Could Be Any Utensil in the Kitchen, What Would You Be and Why?

Why is this question asked?

This is also a moment-of-lightness question, but it also provides an opportunity to shed light on your character in a way that applies to medicine. There are many skills that you can exemplify in your answer to this question. For example, with a spoon, you can break things apart, gather things up, and eat directly, so it&#;s probably the most adaptable. If you&#;re really into cooking and healthy living, you might choose something like tongs because you&#;re really into creative salads. You could also just say that your favorite utensil in the kitchen is your own hands because they&#;re the most tactile, most efficient way of getting from A to B, and you don&#;t mind getting your hands dirty.

How to answer this question:

If you&#;re caught off guard by a quirky question like this one, take a quick pause. Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, one of our admissions experts, says this is completely fine to do:

&#;I often asked the interviewer for a moment to think about the question. It may seem awkward to take a pause, but giving myself 20 seconds to think about the question before diving into an answer really helped me with tough questions! I found that the pause was natural and allowed me to think of a clear answer instead of rambling.&#; - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Common Medical School Interview Question #14: Teach Me Something That Most People Do Not Know How to Do.

Why is this question asked?

Simplifying and summarizing difficult concepts is a huge part of a physician&#;s job. Patients don&#;t need to know, for example, the neurochemistry involved in a case of depression, unless they are interested in that sort of thing. Their goal is to find a solution. A physician should be able to explain the relevant information to an audience of different ages and knowledge levels.

They&#;re asking you to be a real human and not an interview-bot. Relax and have fun, but be appropriate.

How to answer this question:

Ironically, applications often render the applicant invisible. Admissions committees can only learn so much from your medical school personal statement, recommendation letters, medical school secondary essay, and resume. Think of it like they&#;re asking &#;what makes you different from the rest of us?&#; For this question, tell them about a special skill or ability you may have.

How you teach is as important as what you teach in responding to this question. Explaining things is often easier in our heads than it is in reality. You have to be cognizant of the people you&#;re explaining to. Assume they know nothing or very little, but don&#;t condescend. Use analogies or metaphors when you can and always try to show an example or visual.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Teach them how to say hello in another, obscure language.
  • Teach them how to sing something.
  • Teach them how to multiply large numbers easily.
  • Teach them how to line dance.
  • Teach them the meaning of an appropriate gesture in another culture.



Ethical Medical School Interview Questions

Ethical questions in a medical school interview are one of the hardest types you&#;ll encounter. MMI ethical questions are a common interview station that will present you with an ethical dilemma and how you would respond to it.

Here are some common ethical med school interview questions you might be asked:

  • What are your views on alternative medicine?
  • How do you view abortion?
  • Tell us about a time when you witnessed a colleague or healthcare provider acting unethically. How did you handle the situation?
  • What do you believe are the most significant ethical challenges facing the healthcare system today?
  • How would you handle a case where a patient's religious beliefs conflict with a recommended medical treatment?
  • What are your thoughts on the role of informed consent in medical practice? Can you provide an example of a situation where obtaining informed consent was challenging?
  • What is your stance on end-of-life care and physician-assisted suicide? How would you approach discussions with patients or families facing these difficult decisions?
  • Discuss a time when you had to balance your personal values or beliefs with the needs and preferences of a patient. How did you handle the situation?

Here&#;s a guide to answering ethical questions during a med school interview:

Situational or Scenario-Based Medical School Interview Questions

Situational or scenario-based medical school interview questions can appear in a variety of contexts. Practicing for these will help you ace MMI acting stations, MMI collaboration stations and even CASPer questions. They are similar to behavioral questions, but instead they present a hypothetical scenario for you.

  • What would you do if you suspected a friend or colleague of illegal activity?
  • What would you do if you suspected a friend or colleague of illegal activity?
  • How would you handle a violent patient?
  • You are a medical student on a surgical rotation, and you notice a senior resident making a mistake during a procedure that could harm the patient. What do you do in this situation?
  • During a clinical rotation, you overhear a healthcare provider making derogatory remarks about a patient based on their ethnicity. How would you address this issue?
  • You are a part of a medical team treating a patient who refuses a life-saving blood transfusion due to religious beliefs. How would you address this situation while respecting the patient's autonomy?
  • During a clinical rotation, you encounter a patient who is non-compliant with their prescribed medications, which is affecting their health negatively. How would you approach this patient to improve their adherence?
  • During a patient's consultation, their family member becomes emotionally aggressive and confrontational. How would you manage the situation while ensuring the patient's well-being and maintaining a professional demeanor?

Common Medical School Interview Question: The &#;Wrap-Up&#; Question

 Why is this question asked?

Now, this question could be a multitude of things. It may be an open-ended question. It may be extra time for you to ask questions during your medical school interview. They may give you time to tell them something that isn&#;t on your application. They may ask you an ambiguous or weird medical school interview question that doesn&#;t have a clear answer.

Once, while interviewing, I was asked what I thought the definition of &#;still&#; was. For the osteopaths out there, you may have realized that it is the last name of the founder of osteopathic medicine and that was what they wanted to hear. This is why knowing the differences between DO vs MD is key when you are preparing for your interview, whether it's for an allopathic or an osteopathic school.

How to answer this question:

The best way to approach the "wrap-up" question, as always, is to be prepared. Research the institution, including the curriculum, unique opportunities, and its mission statement.

Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, our admissions expert, stresses asking questions you really want to know the answer to:

&#;Truly think &#; IF I was accepted tomorrow &#; what are the first things I would want to know about? Some things that come to mind &#; What is the commute like? How do you find the current curriculum is? Where do most people live?&#; - Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, adds:

&#;What does the patient population look like at X institution? What support is there for students interested in research? What mentorship opportunities exist? Where do students rotate during third year rotations?&#; - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine

One last thing about this &#;wrap-up&#; question &#; remember about the recency effect. Your last answer might be remembered more than anything else you say in the interview. Make sure that you leave the interviewers with the best impression by acing any question they ask at the end. 


Top 20 Questions about Vaccination

Vaccines work to prime your immune system against future &#;attacks&#; by a particular disease. There are vaccines against both viral and bacterial pathogens, or disease-causing agents.

When a pathogen enters your body, your immune system generates antibodies to try to fight it off. Depending on the strength of your immune response and how effectively the antibodies fight off the pathogen, you may or may not get sick.

If you do fall ill, however, some of the antibodies that are created will remain in your body playing watchdog after you&#;re no longer sick. If you&#;re exposed to the same pathogen in the future, the antibodies will &#;recognize&#; it and fight it off.

Vaccines work because of this function of the immune system. They&#;re made from a killed, weakened, or partial version of a pathogen. When you get a vaccine, whatever version of the pathogen it contains isn&#;t strong or plentiful enough to make you sick, but it&#;s enough for your immune system to generate antibodies against it. As a result, you gain future immunity against the disease without having gotten sick: if you&#;re exposed to the pathogen again, your immune system will recognize it and be able to fight it off.

Some vaccines against bacteria are made with a form of the bacteria itself. In other cases, they may be made with a modified form of a toxin generated by the bacteria. Tetanus, for example, is not directly caused by the Clostridium tetani bacteria. Instead, its symptoms are primarily caused by tetanospasmin, a toxin generated by that bacterium. Some bacterial vaccines are therefore made with a weakened or inactivated version of the toxin that actually produces symptoms of illness. This weakened or inactivated toxin is called a toxoid. A tetanus immunization, for example, is made with tetanospasmin toxoid.

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