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Choosing a Type of Resistor: Fixed or Variable

Choosing a Type of Resistor: Fixed or Variable

{"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2016-03-26T07:28:36+00:00","modifiedTime":"2016-03-26T07:28:36+00:00","timestamp":"2022-09-14T17:49:58+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Technology","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"technology","categoryId":33512},{"name":"Electronics","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"electronics","categoryId":33543},{"name":"General Electronics","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"general-electronics","categoryId":33571}],"title":"Choosing a Type of Resistor: Fixed or Variable","strippedTitle":"choosing a type of resistor: fixed or variable","slug":"choosing-a-type-of-resistor-fixed-or-variable","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"Resistors come in two basic flavors: fixed and variable. Both types are commonly used in electronic circuits. Here's the lowdown on each type and why you would ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"<p>Resistors come in two basic flavors: fixed and variable. Both types are commonly used in electronic circuits. Here's the lowdown on each type and why you would choose one or the other:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n <li><p class=\"first-para\">A <b><i>fixed resistor</i></b> supplies a constant, factory-determined resistance. You use it when you want to restrict current to within a certain range or divide voltage in a particular way. Circuits with LEDs use fixed resistors to limit the current, thus protecting the LED from damage.</p>\n </li>\n <li><p class=\"first-para\">A <b><i>variable resistor,</i></b> commonly called a <i>potentiometer</i> (<i>pot</i> for short), allows you to adjust the resistance from virtually zero ohms to a factory-determined maximum value. You use a potentiometer when you want to vary the amount of current or voltage you're supplying to part of your circuit. A few examples of where you might find potentiometers are light-dimmer switches, volume controls for audio systems, and position sensors, although digital controls have largely replaced potentiometers in consumer electronics.</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n<p>Take a closer look at fixed and variable resistors. The following figure shows the circuit symbols that are commonly used to represent fixed resistors, potentiometers, and another type of variable resistor called a <i>rheostat.</i> The zigzag pattern should remind you that resistors make it more difficult for current to pass through, just as a kink in a hose makes it more difficult for water to pass through.</p>\n<div class=\"imageBlock\" style=\"width:535px;\"><img src=\"\" height=\"110\" alt=\"Circuit symbols for a fixed resistor (left), potentiometer (center), and rheostat (right).\" width=\"535\"/><div class=\"imageCaption\">Circuit symbols for a fixed resistor (left), potentiometer (center), and rheostat (right).</div></div>\n<p>Fixed resistors are designed to have a specific resistance, but the actual resistance of any given resistor may vary (up or down) from its nominal value by some percentage, known as the resistor's <i>tolerance.</i></p>\n<p>Say you choose a</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image1.png\" width=\"136\"/>\n<p>that has a 5% tolerance. The actual resistance it provides could be anywhere from</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image2.png\" width=\"148\"/>\n<p>(because 5% of 1,000 is 50). You might say that the resistance is</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image3.png\" width=\"70\"/>\n<p>give or take 5%.</p>\n<p>There are two categories of fixed resistors:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n <li><p class=\"first-para\"><b><i>Standard-precision resistors</i></b> can vary anywhere from 2% to (gulp) 20% of their nominal values. Markings on the resistor package will tell you just how far off the actual resistance may be (for instance, +/–2%, +/–5%, +/–10%, or +/–20%). You use standard-precision resistors in most hobby projects because (more often than not) you're using resistors to limit current or divide voltages to within an acceptable range. Resistors with 5% or 10% tolerance are commonly used in electronic circuits.</p>\n </li>\n <li><p class=\"first-para\"><b><i>High-precision resistors</i></b> come within just 1% of their nominal value. You use these in circuits where you need extreme accuracy, as in a precision timing or voltage reference circuit.</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n<p>Fixed resistors often come in a cylindrical package with two leads sticking out so you can connect them to other circuit elements. Feel free to insert fixed resistors either way in your circuits — there's no left or right, up or down, or to or from when it comes to these little two-terminal devices.</p>\n<p class=\"Remember\">Most fixed resistors are color-coded with their nominal value and tolerance, but some resistors have their values stamped right onto the tiny package, along with a bunch of other letters and numbers guaranteed to cause confusion. If you aren't sure of the value of a specific resistor, pull out your multimeter, set it to measure resistance in ohms, and place its probes across the resistor (either way), as shown. Make sure your resistor is not wired into a circuit when you measure its resistance; otherwise, you won't get an accurate reading.</p>\n<div class=\"imageBlock\" style=\"width:533px;\"><img src=\"\" height=\"399\" alt=\"Use your multimeter set on ohms to measure the actual resistance of a fixed resistor.\" width=\"533\"/><div class=\"imageCaption\">Use your multimeter set on ohms to measure the actual resistance of a fixed resistor.</div></div>\n<p class=\"Tip\">Circuit designs usually tell you the safe resistor tolerance to use, whether for each individual resistor or for all the resistors in the circuit. Look for a notation in the parts list or as a footnote in the circuit diagram. If the schematic doesn't state a tolerance, you can assume it's okay to use standard-tolerance resistors (+/–5% or +/–10%).</p>","description":"<p>Resistors come in two basic flavors: fixed and variable. Both types are commonly used in electronic circuits. Here's the lowdown on each type and why you would choose one or the other:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n <li><p class=\"first-para\">A <b><i>fixed resistor</i></b> supplies a constant, factory-determined resistance. You use it when you want to restrict current to within a certain range or divide voltage in a particular way. Circuits with LEDs use fixed resistors to limit the current, thus protecting the LED from damage.</p>\n </li>\n <li><p class=\"first-para\">A <b><i>variable resistor,</i></b> commonly called a <i>potentiometer</i> (<i>pot</i> for short), allows you to adjust the resistance from virtually zero ohms to a factory-determined maximum value. You use a potentiometer when you want to vary the amount of current or voltage you're supplying to part of your circuit. A few examples of where you might find potentiometers are light-dimmer switches, volume controls for audio systems, and position sensors, although digital controls have largely replaced potentiometers in consumer electronics.</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n<p>Take a closer look at fixed and variable resistors. The following figure shows the circuit symbols that are commonly used to represent fixed resistors, potentiometers, and another type of variable resistor called a <i>rheostat.</i> The zigzag pattern should remind you that resistors make it more difficult for current to pass through, just as a kink in a hose makes it more difficult for water to pass through.</p>\n<div class=\"imageBlock\" style=\"width:535px;\"><img src=\"\" height=\"110\" alt=\"Circuit symbols for a fixed resistor (left), potentiometer (center), and rheostat (right).\" width=\"535\"/><div class=\"imageCaption\">Circuit symbols for a fixed resistor (left), potentiometer (center), and rheostat (right).</div></div>\n<p>Fixed resistors are designed to have a specific resistance, but the actual resistance of any given resistor may vary (up or down) from its nominal value by some percentage, known as the resistor's <i>tolerance.</i></p>\n<p>Say you choose a</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image1.png\" width=\"136\"/>\n<p>that has a 5% tolerance. The actual resistance it provides could be anywhere from</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image2.png\" width=\"148\"/>\n<p>(because 5% of 1,000 is 50). You might say that the resistance is</p>\n<img src=\"\" height=\"25\" alt=\"image3.png\" width=\"70\"/>\n<p>give or take 5%.</p>\n<p>There are two categories of fixed resistors:</p>\n<ul class=\"level-one\">\n <li><p class=\"first-para\"><b><i>Standard-precision resistors</i></b> can vary anywhere from 2% to (gulp) 20% of their nominal values. Markings on the resistor package will tell you just how far off the actual resistance may be (for instance, +/–2%, +/–5%, +/–10%, or +/–20%). You use standard-precision resistors in most hobby projects because (more often than not) you're using resistors to limit current or divide voltages to within an acceptable range. Resistors with 5% or 10% tolerance are commonly used in electronic circuits.</p>\n </li>\n <li><p class=\"first-para\"><b><i>High-precision resistors</i></b> come within just 1% of their nominal value. You use these in circuits where you need extreme accuracy, as in a precision timing or voltage reference circuit.</p>\n </li>\n</ul>\n<p>Fixed resistors often come in a cylindrical package with two leads sticking out so you can connect them to other circuit elements. Feel free to insert fixed resistors either way in your circuits — there's no left or right, up or down, or to or from when it comes to these little two-terminal devices.</p>\n<p class=\"Remember\">Most fixed resistors are color-coded with their nominal value and tolerance, but some resistors have their values stamped right onto the tiny package, along with a bunch of other letters and numbers guaranteed to cause confusion. If you aren't sure of the value of a specific resistor, pull out your multimeter, set it to measure resistance in ohms, and place its probes across the resistor (either way), as shown. Make sure your resistor is not wired into a circuit when you measure its resistance; otherwise, you won't get an accurate reading.</p>\n<div class=\"imageBlock\" style=\"width:533px;\"><img src=\"\" height=\"399\" alt=\"Use your multimeter set on ohms to measure the actual resistance of a fixed resistor.\" width=\"533\"/><div class=\"imageCaption\">Use your multimeter set on ohms to measure the actual resistance of a fixed resistor.</div></div>\n<p class=\"Tip\">Circuit designs usually tell you the safe resistor tolerance to use, whether for each individual resistor or for all the resistors in the circuit. Look for a notation in the parts list or as a footnote in the circuit diagram. If the schematic doesn't state a tolerance, you can assume it's okay to use standard-tolerance resistors (+/–5% or +/–10%).</p>","blurb":"","authors":[{"authorId":9082,"name":"Cathleen Shamieh","slug":"cathleen-shamieh","description":" <p><b>Cathleen Shamieh</b> is an electrical engineer and a writer with extensive engineering and consulting experience in the fields of medical electronics, speech processing, and telecommunications. 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5 Important Tips for Choosing the Right Resistor


Choosing the right resistor for your electronic circuits is a crucial step that can greatly impact the performance and reliability of your projects. Whether you are an electronics enthusiast or a professional engineer, understanding the key aspects of resistor selection is essential. In this article, we'll provide you with five important tips that will guide you in making informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right resistor. From resistor types to power ratings and tolerance, we've got you covered. Let's dive in!

1. Understand the Resistor Basics

Before delving into the tips for choosing the right resistor, it's important to have a good grasp of the basics. Resistors are passive electrical components that restrict the flow of current in a circuit. They are used to control current levels, set bias points, divide voltages, and more. The resistance value of a resistor is measured in ohms (Ω), and it determines the level of current flowing through it when a voltage is applied.

There are various resistor types available, each with its unique properties. These include:

Fixed Resistors: The resistance value of a fixed resistor is fixed. It will limit the amount of current flowing through it while receiving the voltage to generate different voltages and reduce power by converting them into heat. The resistance value is its standard Said resistance.

Variable Resistors: A variable resistor, also known as a potentiometer, is a resistor whose resistance can be adjusted. This type of resistor can adjust the resistance within a certain range. Most of them are used in occasions where the circuit current needs to be adjusted or the circuit resistance needs to be changed.

SMD resistors are compact and soldered directly onto PCBs, saving space and making them ideal for miniaturized applications.

Wirewound Resistors: These resistors offer higher power ratings and better precision but are less common due to their higher cost.

2. Consider Power Rating and Wattage

The power rating of a resistor is a critical factor to consider to ensure it can handle the electrical power dissipated without getting damaged. It is usually specified in watts and indicates the maximum amount of power a resistor can safely dissipate as heat. Choosing a resistor with too low of a power rating for your application can lead to overheating and potential failure.

To determine the appropriate power rating, consider the maximum current and voltage that the resistor will encounter in your circuit. Use Ohm's Law (P = I^2 * R or P = V^2 / R) to calculate the power dissipation and choose a resistor with a power rating greater than that value. It's always a good idea to leave some headroom to avoid pushing the resistor close to its limits.

3. Take Tolerance into Account

Resistors, like most

In critical applications where precise resistance values are required, choose resistors with low tolerance values. For general purposes, standard 5% tolerance resistors are often sufficient. Additionally, if you need multiple resistors of the same value, consider buying them from the same batch or series to ensure consistency.

4. Select the Right Resistor Type for Your Application

The choice of resistor type depends on the specific requirements of your circuit and its application. Different resistor types offer varying benefits, and selecting the right one will optimize the performance of your design.

Carbon Composition Resistors: These are inexpensive but less precise and are suitable for general applications.

Metal Film Resistors: These offer higher precision and stability than carbon composition resistors and are commonly used in audio and communication circuits.

Metal Oxide Film Resistors: MOF resistors are ideal for high-energy circuits, as they can handle higher power levels.

Wirewound Resistors: For high-power applications or those requiring precise resistance, wirewound resistors are an excellent choice.

5. Check Temperature Coefficient

Resistors can be sensitive to temperature changes, which may cause their resistance to drift. The temperature coefficient of a resistor measures how much its resistance value will change with temperature variations. It is expressed in parts per million per degree Celsius (ppm/°C).

For stable and accurate performance, especially in applications subjected to varying temperatures, choose resistors with low temperature coefficients. Components with a low temperature coefficient will experience minimal resistance fluctuations, ensuring the circuit's reliability and accuracy over a wide temperature range.


Are there resistors with variable resistance?

A1: Yes, variable resistors, also known as potentiometers or rheostats, allow users to adjust the resistance within a specific range by turning a shaft or knob.

Q2: Can I use a lower power rating resistor in my circuit to save costs?

A2: It's generally not recommended, as using a resistor with a lower power rating than required can lead to overheating and failure of the component, potentially damaging your circuit.

Q3: What is the difference between a fixed resistor and a variable resistor?

A3: A fixed resistor has a constant resistance value and cannot be adjusted, while a variable resistor allows users to modify its resistance within a specific range.

Q4: Can I mix different resistor types in a single circuit?

A4: Yes, you can use various resistor types in a circuit, but ensure they meet the circuit's requirements and are properly rated for power and tolerance.

Q5: What are the advantages of using surface mount resistors?

A5: Surface mount resistors are compact, take up less space, and are suitable for automated assembly processes, making them ideal for modern electronics.


Choosing the right resistor is a fundamental aspect of electronic circuit design. By understanding the basics, considering power ratings, tolerances, resistor types, and temperature coefficients, you can make informed decisions that lead to better-performing and more reliable circuits. Remember to select resistors that suit your specific application's needs and ensure they can handle the demands of your circuit. So, next time you're designing an electronic project, keep these five important tips in mind to choose the right resistor and achieve optimal performance.

Choosing the right resistor for your electronic circuits is a crucial step that can greatly impact the performance and reliability of your projects. Whether you are an electronics enthusiast or a professional engineer, understanding the key aspects of resistor selection is essential. In this article, we'll provide you with five important tips that will guide you in making informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right resistor. From resistor types to power ratings and tolerance, we've got you covered. Let's dive in!Before delving into the tips for choosing the right resistor, it's important to have a good grasp of the basics. Resistors are passive electrical components that restrict the flow of current in a circuit. They are used to control current levels, set bias points, divide voltages, and more. The resistance value of a resistor is measured in ohms (Ω), and it determines the level of current flowing through it when a voltage is applied.There are various resistor types available, each with its unique properties. These include:The resistance value of a fixed resistor is fixed. It will limit the amount of current flowing through it while receiving the voltage to generate different voltages and reduce power by converting them into heat. The resistance value is its standard Said resistance.A variable resistor, also known as a potentiometer, is a resistor whose resistance can be adjusted. This type of resistor can adjust the resistance within a certain range. Most of them are used in occasions where the circuit current needs to be adjusted or the circuit resistance needs to be changed.SMD resistors are compact and soldered directly onto PCBs, saving space and making them ideal for miniaturized applications.These resistors offer higher power ratings and better precision but are less common due to their higher cost.The power rating of a resistor is a critical factor to consider to ensure it can handle the electrical power dissipated without getting damaged. It is usually specified in watts and indicates the maximum amount of power a resistor can safely dissipate as heat. Choosing a resistor with too low of a power rating for your application can lead to overheating and potential failure.To determine the appropriate power rating, consider the maximum current and voltage that the resistor will encounter in your circuit. Use Ohm's Law (P = I^2 * R or P = V^2 / R) to calculate the power dissipation and choose a resistor with a power rating greater than that value. It's always a good idea to leave some headroom to avoid pushing the resistor close to its limits.Resistors, like most electronic components , have manufacturing tolerances, which means the actual resistance value might deviate from the stated nominal value. Tolerance is typically expressed as a percentage. For example, a 5% tolerance on a 1kΩ resistor means the actual resistance could be between 950Ω and 1050Ω.In critical applications where precise resistance values are required, choose resistors with low tolerance values. For general purposes, standard 5% tolerance resistors are often sufficient. Additionally, if you need multiple resistors of the same value, consider buying them from the same batch or series to ensure consistency.The choice of resistor type depends on the specific requirements of your circuit and its application. Different resistor types offer varying benefits, and selecting the right one will optimize the performance of your design.These are inexpensive but less precise and are suitable for general applications.These offer higher precision and stability than carbon composition resistors and are commonly used in audio and communication circuits.MOF resistors are ideal for high-energy circuits, as they can handle higher power levels.For high-power applications or those requiring precise resistance, wirewound resistors are an excellent choice.Resistors can be sensitive to temperature changes, which may cause their resistance to drift. The temperature coefficient of a resistor measures how much its resistance value will change with temperature variations. It is expressed in parts per million per degree Celsius (ppm/°C).For stable and accurate performance, especially in applications subjected to varying temperatures, choose resistors with low temperature coefficients. Components with a low temperature coefficient will experience minimal resistance fluctuations, ensuring the circuit's reliability and accuracy over a wide temperature range.Are there resistors with variable resistance?Yes, variable resistors, also known as potentiometers or rheostats, allow users to adjust the resistance within a specific range by turning a shaft or knob.Can I use a lower power rating resistor in my circuit to save costs?It's generally not recommended, as using a resistor with a lower power rating than required can lead to overheating and failure of the component, potentially damaging your circuit.What is the difference between a fixed resistor and a variable resistor?A fixed resistor has a constant resistance value and cannot be adjusted, while a variable resistor allows users to modify its resistance within a specific range.Can I mix different resistor types in a single circuit?Yes, you can use various resistor types in a circuit, but ensure they meet the circuit's requirements and are properly rated for power and tolerance.What are the advantages of using surface mount resistors?Surface mount resistors are compact, take up less space, and are suitable for automated assembly processes, making them ideal for modern electronics.Choosing the right resistor is a fundamental aspect of electronic circuit design. By understanding the basics, considering power ratings, tolerances, resistor types, and temperature coefficients, you can make informed decisions that lead to better-performing and more reliable circuits. Remember to select resistors that suit your specific application's needs and ensure they can handle the demands of your circuit. So, next time you're designing an electronic project, keep these five important tips in mind to choose the right resistor and achieve optimal performance.

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