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Your Position: Home - Chemicals - What is CAS number 49851 31 2?

What is CAS number 49851 31 2?

What is CAS number 49851 31 2?

CAS number 49851 31 2 refers to the unique identification number assigned to a specific chemical compound or substance by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), also known as a CAS Registry Number. Each CAS number is composed of up to ten digits divided into three parts, separated by hyphens. The first part contains up to seven digits and represents a sequence number assigned to a group of substances with similar properties. The second part is a two-digit year of registration or a zero for compounds registered before 1965. Lastly, the third part is a single digit checksum.

The CAS number 49851 31 2 represents a specific chemical compound that has been identified and indexed in the CAS database. This database is widely recognized and utilized by researchers, chemists, and regulatory agencies worldwide to access accurate and reliable information about chemical substances.

What is CAS number 49851 31 2?

To understand the significance of CAS number 49851 31 2, it is essential to examine its origin and the process of its assignment. The CAS assigns unique identification numbers to chemical compounds to ensure proper identification and communication. This helps in avoiding confusion and discrepancies in referencing and classification, particularly when dealing with various substances that might have similar names or molecular formulas.

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The assignment of CAS numbers involves a meticulous process of evaluating existing information about the compound's properties, structure, and nomenclature. This information is thoroughly reviewed and verified by experts in the field before the number is assigned. Additionally, the CAS database is regularly updated to include new compounds and their associated CAS numbers. This meticulous approach helps maintain the accuracy and integrity of the database.

The existence of CAS number 49851 31 2 provides several benefits and impacts. Firstly, it allows for precise identification and referencing of the chemical compound in academic papers, patents, and regulatory documents. Researchers can easily access relevant information about the compound, including its chemical structure, physical properties, and potential hazards. This promotes efficient and accurate communication within the scientific community.

Furthermore, CAS numbers play a crucial role in chemical safety regulations and databases. Regulatory agencies utilize CAS numbers to monitor and control the use, transportation, and disposal of chemicals. The unique identification provided by CAS numbers ensures proper management of hazardous substances, enabling comprehensive risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

In conclusion, CAS number 49851 31 2 is a unique identification number assigned to a specific chemical compound by the Chemical Abstracts Service. This numbering system offers a reliable way to identify and reference substances, ensuring accurate communication and facilitating chemical research and regulation. Understanding the origin, assignment process, and significance of CAS numbers is vital for researchers, chemists, and regulatory authorities alike.

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