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What is the CAS number 2079878 75 2?

What is the CAS number 2079878-75-2?

CAS numbers, also known as Chemical Abstracts Service numbers, are unique identifiers assigned to specific chemical substances. They play a crucial role in identifying and cataloging chemicals, allowing for accurate referencing and categorization within scientific databases. The CAS number 2079878-75-2 refers to a specific chemical compound and holds important information about its structure, composition, and properties. In this article, we will explore this particular CAS number and delve into the significance it holds in the world of chemistry.

Point 1: Identity of the Chemical Compound.

What is the CAS number 2079878 75 2?

The CAS number 2079878-75-2 corresponds to a specific chemical compound. By using this number, chemists and researchers can quickly identify and retrieve information about the compound from databases such as PubChem or ChemSpider. This helps streamline research and contributes to the overall efficiency of scientific studies.

Point 2: Structural Information.

CAS numbers often reveal valuable insights into the structure of chemical compounds. Detailed graphical representations and molecular formulas can be associated with a specific CAS number, allowing scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the compound's composition and arrangement of atoms. For example, CAS number 2079878-75-2 might represent a complex organic molecule with multiple functional groups or a unique stereochemistry, contributing to its distinct properties.

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Point 3: Properties and Characteristics.

Linked to its structure, the CAS number 2079878-75-2 provides information about the properties and characteristics of the chemical compound it represents. These properties can include physical attributes like melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, and chemical reactivity. Understanding these details is paramount for various applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals to industrial processes.

Point 4: Safety and Hazard Data.

CAS numbers also serve as a reference for safety and hazard data. Chemical compounds associated with a specific CAS number have known information regarding their toxicology, flammability, and potential hazards for human health and the environment. This data assists in the safe handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals, as well as providing vital insights for risk assessment and regulatory compliance.


The CAS number 2079878-75-2 represents a unique chemical compound with distinct properties and characteristics. It plays a fundamental role in the scientific community by allowing quick identification, retrieval, and sharing of crucial information about the compound. Chemists, researchers, and regulatory bodies rely on CAS numbers to enhance efficiency and ensure safety in various fields. Whether it is exploring new drug molecules, developing environmentally friendly materials, or handling hazardous substances, CAS numbers are invaluable tools for advancing scientific knowledge and promoting responsible chemical practices.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5.

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